Posts by HackitZ

    Sorted it out.

    i didn't realize in the nextcloud data directory was the user names and data folders i had been creating.

    removed them and now I'm able to install.

    so i take it in the future if i had to reinstall i need to remove the users and datafolders as to not have this error.

    - /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-450d3710-6549-4966-b3df-66699ac6cd94/nextcloud:/data

    so removing everything i can find and tried again.

    when i put in my name foir admin account on the initial setup it get this error


    Login is invalid because files already exist for this user

    Create an admin account

    try this

    Hi all,

    so i have been reinstalling nextcloud all day.

    when i reinstall, i stop the container, then delete, then run docker image prune -a (the image page in docker does not let me delete some images i get a 500 error).

    i then ssh into the appdata folder and rm -r the nextcloud and nextcloud maria db folders.

    so at this point i think nextcloud is gone,

    i reinstall with my same yml and on the nextcloud setup page i get an error that this user is already used.

    so i started to just use admin1, admin2, admin3 and so on.

    but i'm starting over again, this time i want to make sure I'm removing any remenants of nextcloud being on the server.


    Hi all,

    so i had nextcloud up and running, it's clean install, as well as a fresh install of omv7.

    i setup up the schedule task (backup,update,prune) in the built in compose.

    noticed today i can no longer get to nextclolud using my url but i can still access nextcloud locally with the local ip.

    it started with a 400 page error (The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS portnginx).

    i checked the config.php and it seems fine.

    I have these errors in nextcloud logs.

    Nextcloud trustedProxies has malformed entriesNextcloud trustedProxies has malformed entriesNextcloud trustedProxies has malformed entriesNextcloud trustedProxies has malformed entriesNextcloud trustedProxies has malformed entriesNextcloud trustedProxies has malformed entriesNextcloud trustedProxies has malformed entriesNextcloud trustedProxies has malformed entriesNextcloud trustedProxies has malformed entriesNextcloud trustedProxies has malformed entriesNextcloud trustedProxies has malformed entriesPHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Typed static property OC::$server must not be accessed before initialization in /app/www/public/lib/public/Server.php:39Stack trace:#0 /app/www/public/cron.php(234): OCP\Server::get()#1 {main} thrown in /app/www/public/lib/public/Server.php on line 39PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Typed static property OC::$server must not be accessed before initialization in /app/www/public/lib/public/Server.php:39Stack trace:#0 /app/www/public/cron.php(234): OCP\Server::get()#1 {main} thrown in /app/www/public/lib/public/Server.php on line 39PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Typed static property OC::$server must not be accessed before initialization in /app/www/public/lib/public/Server.php:39Stack trace:#0 /app/www/public/cron.php(234): OCP\Server::get()#1 {main} thrown in /app/www/public/lib/public/Server.php on line 39[migrations] started[migrations] 01-nginx-site-confs-default: skipped[migrations] 02-default-location: skipped[migrations] doneusermod: no changes

    and also some erros in mariadb

    An upgrade is required on your databases. ## ## Stop any services that are accessing databases ## in this container, and then run the command ## ## mariadb-upgrade -u root -p<PASSWORD>

    just incase here is my yml for nextcloud

    any help is much appreciated.

    thanks for responding.

    so i have a udm pro, i did figure out the two destination Nat settings. i can now access my services with my domain name outside my network.

    so i can now turn off port forwarding.

    my issue now is, i can no longer can access them using my domain name from inside my network. i have been playing with firewall rules with no luck.

    i pinged ping https://nextcloud. my domain and get name or service not known, this is from inside my network.

    When using https://nextcloud. my domain inside my network i get the unsafe warning and if i hit continue i load my unifi router login page.

    i'm sure the fix is somewhat easy i just cant figure out what firewall rule to use.

    i used this guide, the one you shared, i had to tweak the settings a bit just really ports, also used tips from following the firewall rules unifi creates when port forwarding.

    I know this old but it seems i have the same problem, other than i can access my nextcloud from home using my https://nextcloud. my but not from outside my network. if i use my internal i get a nginx error bad request 400.

    looking through the link you provided did you configure using all the steps?

    it seems like there are 4 steps, i tried but it fails for me. also i do have a UDM Pro not sure if that make a difference.


    i'm on OMV7

    That should easily last longer than 3 years unless the cooling is bad. I have a couple of 13+ year old Dell servers that would boot right up.

    stock cpu cooler, but case has 5 fans.

    next build is going to be amd.

    how much trouble would it be to migrate my docker folders to a new drive? going to change that to a ssd.

    would it be as simple as changing the uuid in my ymls?

    so i have been running omv for years, seems about every 2 to 3 years some hardware dies. mostly hard drives (my fault for not backing settings up)

    i did backup omv 6 this time.

    well i put omv 6 on new setup, bought for omv.

    well about 2 years in i was having drive problems, i waited to long (real busy at work) and have now decided to install omv 7 on a flash drive. easier to clone and recover (i hope).

    as it turns out it might be my motherboard and it's sata connections.

    i have bought new sata cables and only 3 sata ports show drives in the bios.

    so i did continue setting up omv 7 and to my surprise i'm able to just copy my yml into the new docker file and install most ymls without issue. using the same drive i setup from my old setup (luckly my data drive from om6 is showing in the bios and omv7).

    my rant is this what hardware should i use to have it last more than 2 to 3 years? or is it expected to have something fail? i use the server alot, movies, tv shows, nextcloud, ext. plus relie on it for my business.

    are my expectations to high?

    i'm about to go out and buy another setup and not sure what direction to go.

    i love and have come so used to using omv not sure i could live without it.

    good morning.

    so i'm trying to add a network in docker, when i click on inspect here is the output. as it seems to not function.

    [ { "Name": "swag", "Id": "d53c3c4ce0d65a1f01a81e90a63bab3aa34cc8ab757d50677f3b3535f4518e98", "Created": 

    "2024-04-20T22:19:06.87174577-04:00", "Scope": "local", "Driver": "bridge", "EnableIPv6": false, "IPAM": { "Driver": "default", "Options": {}, "Config": 

    [ { "Subnet": "", "IPRange": "", "Gateway": "" } ] }, "Internal": false, "Attachable": false, "Ingress": false, "ConfigFrom": 

    { "Network": "" }, "ConfigOnly": false, "Containers": {}, "Options": {}, "Labels": {} }]


    so here is the boot log, well a small part not sure how to fix this.

    i booted to systemrescue and used gparted to check and repair. all seem to go well. but booting back into omv i stll get drive errors.

    so i'm now getting errors on a data drive.

    the drive shows if i run lsblk but nothing if i run fsck. heres a portion of the logs from omv sys logs.

    i booted into systemrescue used gparted and tried a repair. it showed it was successful.

    but still no luck.

    this started with me having an issue with the system drive. i tried using etcher to flash the dd full back to a new drive but after 6 hours it failed.

    anyways the data drive that seems like iit has a partion issue shows this in the logs.

    2024-04-13T17:08:36-0400 media-server monit[1667]: Lookup for '/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-4b496e2c-98de-4aa1-b8ef-19a1b2197c84' filesystem failed -- not found in /proc/self/mounts

    2024-04-13T17:08:36-0400 media-server monit[1667]: Filesystem '/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-4b496e2c-98de-4aa1-b8ef-19a1b2197c84' not mounted

    2024-04-13T17:08:36-0400 media-server monit[1667]: 'filesystem_srv_dev-disk-by-uuid-4b496e2c-98de-4aa1-b8ef-19a1b2197c84' unable to read filesystem '/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-4b496e2c-98de-4aa1-b8ef-19a1b2197c84' state

    2024-04-13T17:08:36-0400 media-server monit[1667]: 'filesystem_srv_dev-disk-by-uuid-4b496e2c-98de-4aa1-b8ef-19a1b2197c84' trying to restart

    2024-04-13T17:08:36-0400 media-server monit[1667]: 'mountpoint_srv_dev-disk-by-uuid-4b496e2c-98de-4aa1-b8ef-19a1b2197c84' status failed (1) -- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-4b496e2c-98de-4aa1-b8ef-19a1b2197c84 is not a mountpoint

    2024-04-13T17:08:36-0400 media-server monit[1667]: 'mountpoint_srv_dev-disk-by-uuid-4b496e2c-98de-4aa1-b8ef-19a1b2197c84' status failed (1) -- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-4b496e2c-98de-4aa1-b8ef-19a1b2197c84 is not a mountpoint

    any help is much appreciated, ive been googling pretty much the whole day and have not changed anything.

    so my system is putting out a lot file system errors.

    i'm currently booted into systemrescue.

    figured id run fsck from there.

    well its not working seems system resucue does not have fsck.

    what would be the recommended way to repair file system with omv?

    i'm currently restoring a dd full back to another drive.

    but would like to see if i could repair the drive and all the errors.

    sorry i dont have a list of the errors.