Beiträge von Forssux

    You are still running the module (user doing the file transfer as nobody).

    This I don't understand...In the screenshot I Cleary see that I'm asking to do a rsync as root.

    I'm reading up the provided man page...

    Thanks for the provided support.
    Guy Forssman

    Hi there,

    As you can see in screenshot I think this is established here.

    I did the Authentication but the results aren't correct.

    The main group lacks the user and resorts to a number.
    Sometimes the group is translated but often not.

    Hi There,

    I would like to rsync from a Truenas to OMV6.

    The only thing missing is the preservations of the permissions.

    I even added as extra -o -g in the config of the OMV6 module config file.

    My files seem to get the user and group set in the config file of the module

    What can I do?

    Kind regards...

    I didn't want to make you feel bad..I'm a beginner here and of course my post make more sense to me than anybody else.

    When I read your post indeed this is what I was meaning to say. For clarification we can rename the long UUID to whatever we want.
    some will call it c,d,e etc others will use sda,sdb,sdc or Disk1,Disk2 or 1,2, you get my drift.
    Strange that zfs disks arent recognised has having data and can be easily wiped. I assume you'll have the zfs plugin.

    Kind regards,
    Guy Forssman

    Thanks for answering...

    I have run this command as guyf and root still no luck.
    I have now changed some settings in the gui.
    First only the user was coorectly filled in but the group had a 1002 number.
    Then I unvinked chroot and everything was fine.
    With mc I changed a file picture.jpg owner and the group and made the file 555 not writable by owner/group/other

    Still after rsync -av --progress /mnt/QData/Test-Truenas-Main root@

    The owner/group of picture.jpg was the same as the original file and also the file had a 0775 permission setting just like the original.

    Thanks for helping

    OMV is using the non-predictable device files in the UI because they are shorter and more meaningful for the normal user. I don't think you'll be happy when there is something like this /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_ST3200XXXX2AS_5XWXXXR6 or /dev/disk/by-uuid/. Under the hood ONLY predictable device files are used.

    That is indeed almost unreadable.
    And indeed these device name can change on reboot.
    But OMV6 doesn't need to use the real /dev/sda1 in the file system on the Gui.
    Its feasible that OMV6 gives for understanding a sda name to a ad3ee177-777c-4ad3-8353-9562f85c0895 disk.
    And when this is only a mapping the user can rename the sda to whatever he wants.
    Internally OMV6 is using the UUID so that never changes.

    Hi there,

    So I would want the following system.

    SystemFile Systemsync
    Truenas core 12.0u7zfslife
    OpenMediaVault 6ext4 Mergerfsevery week
    2 large Hard drives zfsevery 2 weeks

    Truenas Core 12.0u7qnap,Eveline,guyf,ElizabethTruenas-Main,Eveline,Guy,Elizabeth

    Dataset/DirectoryOwnerAcces Groups RWAcces Users RWAcces Groups RAcces Users R
    pool/QDocumentenTruenas-MainTruenas-MainTruenas-MainTruenas-Mainevery member of group
    pool/QGameElizabethElizabethElizabethTruenas-mainevery member of group
    pool/QFotoguyfguyfguyfTruenas-Mainevery member of group

    When I do my rsync I would like dat omv6 becomes a copy of Truenas.
    It needs to inherrit and change permissions, timestamps and of course delete extraneous files from destination dirs.

    I tried via the gui but got this...

    Then I went to putty and saw very strange behavior

    These are my settings for the rsync module.
    I changed user to guyf and this didn't help either.

    What am I doing wrong?

    I know this is rsync between different kinds of NAS but that's the situation at home.

    Kind regards.

    Thanks all for the very valuable input.

    Because I'm on OMV6 and experimented a lot I pulled all drives and did a fresh install.

    Now of course OMV6 had no choice than to follow the order I was putting in the drives.
    Not something you want to do everytime indeed.

    It's true these drive names can change on reboot but since OMV6 in the gui itself is still using and that's what showed up by default in filesystems. I really wanted the names correct so I knew what's on it.

    And then I found thanks to raulfg3 a little window on the upper right side and this is the result.
    Thank You all....

    Hi There,

    I manually altered and prepared my HardDisks. I even wrote /dev/sda, /dev/sdb etc on the labeled hard drives.

    Then I put every HD in the machine with a gap of 10 seconds.
    The result is this...
    How can I change this labeling done by OMV6 and let it correspond with my preparations?

    The reason I ask is because I know what is on /dev/sda or /dev/sdg etc.

    Even though sda and sdf where last to inserted in the PC they aren't last in the list.

    Kind regards,
    Guy Forssman

    Hi Thanks for the input.

    Old server is Dell R520 on TrueNAS-core 12.0-u7

    New server is HP ML310 G5 with OMV 6

    Yes I can see the pool with name pool from other clients

    So I see this in putty..

    First it's complaining about no space left and then it's continuing anyway with other files.
    I checked and indeed the files don't exist when rsync complains about space and exist when not complaining.


    I'm trying several days

    To find out this you should consult this thread. This plugin has undergone a complete rewrite in its migration process to OMV6, and several changes so far.

    omv-extras plugins - porting progress to OMV 6.x

    Looking here I see that the MergerFS plugin is ported, but I can't find the meaning of the fstab option.

    I changed the policy ..

    Rsync on the other machine...
    rsync -av --progress /mnt/QData/ guyf@

    The disk shouldn't be filled but when I look in the File System it fills the disk until it's full.

    There should be roughly 70GB be free disk.

    I created a empty directory structure with the same user/group owner as the full disks.
    Still I wont jump over to sdc1 or sdd1

    What am I doing wrong?

    Kind regards,
    Guy Forssman

    Hi chente

    Thanks for the quick answer. Indeed spreading the files can be option for many pepople.
    However in the event of a catastrophic failure where only the good disks remain. The files are scattered and thus hard to recover.

    This is the policy that was in place.

    What is the purpose of the fstab on this page?

    rsync on the other machine stopped when trying to move a file of 50GB

    rsync: [receiver] write failed on "urbackup/DAPHendrickxUp/211230-1106_Image_C/Image_C_211230-1106.vhd" (in pool): No space left on device (28)

    As my policy is to use until 4G ram left I expected it to be copied to the next drive.

    I have read in a older thread about this problem where crashtest explains what happens.
    Is there a way to avoid this in the beginning. Where mergerfs looks at the incoming file see that's it more than 4GB and therefore put it on the second drive?

    As I read numerous times here that in OMV one is supposed to use the gui, how do I correct this full HD problem once it occurred.
    Shall I create a shared folder for each drive and then move files from Drive1 to Drive 2? I know that I can use mc or even file explorer but that is not advised.

    Kind regards,

    You can see here the different policies that you can configure in mergerfs.

    Thanks for this link, it will clarify a lot for some users. However for me it's just making it harder to understand.

    I just want to know which policy to choose to fill one disk after another but not trying to overfill it.

    I guess some want their files scattered around so a policy for that would be great to.

    I understand that anything with ep in its name is path preserving the rest I'm a little lost.
    Some examples would clarify a lot to me
    Kind regards,

    Hi there,

    I'm trying to put together the best practices when coming new to OMV6 from other NAS programs.
    In short I will synchronize data from another machine to this OMV6
    I hopethe experienced users will led their light shine upon this and help other beginners like me .

    I have 6 drives in total, 2 of them will serve as parity drives

    • install plugin openmediavault-omvextrasorg 6.0.5
    • install plugin openmediavault-mergerfs 6.0.14
    • install plugin openmediavault-snapraid 6.0.3
    • install plugin openmediavault-sharerootfs 6.0-2
    • storage/disks wipe all drives
    • Storage/filesystem create filesystem like /dev/sda1 --> /dev/sdf1
    • Storage/MergerFS create name for this pool and choose the disks that span this pool /dev/sda--/dev/sdd
    • Storage/Shared Folders Make a shared folder and use the name of the pool as filesystem
    • enable rsync
    • Services/Rsync/Server/Module uses name of spanned pool create a name for rsync module
    • Services/Snapraid/Drives create per found drive a name like /dev/sda --> disk1 ,/dev/sd2 --> disk2, /dev/sde --> parity /dev/sdf --parity1

    What to be done when disk is filled upon the point where rsync fails. How to redistribute the data.
    There some other important settings which I don't fully understand.

    Which policy do I best use in following situation:
    Original pool has 12TB data and needs to get into OMV6-pool I want to keep directory structure the original.
    I want to fill each drive till 90%

    What is the purpose of the fstab option?

    So what did I do wrong, or can be done better..

    Kind regards and a happy new year to you all..
    Guy Forssman

    You could always look for a older "real" server like a DELL or Supermicro.
    I bought mine a R520 with 80G ram and dual e5 2470 this summer for a mere 400€. I has 4 1GB nic to, so for keeping your data safe and playing with vm's look foor older Servers. QNAP/Synalogy are just to expensive and lack the power.
    My situation is TrueNAS on R520 OMV6 on HP ML310 G5 and 2 separate disks take away in case of a fire in our house.