Beiträge von Tomaa

    Is HACS an acronym I am not aware of? Just installed and don't see that or the snmp either.

    Will look more later.


    HACS is a Home Assistant Community Store:

    HA SNMP doc, it does not have GUI setup as far as I know:

    I have github account, no worries. After all everything I do is opensource and available there :)

    I will look into it tomorrow. I think only RRD graphs were available, but I may be mistaken.

    EDIT: Thanks, I will implement network sensors once next OMV update is released :)

    If the snmp plugin is installed snmp will show network stats. Plus a lot more info.

    Thanks I have been thinking about using HA. Will have to look into it. How do we get your plugin?

    Yea, but SNMP would be different integration. SNMP integration is actually already build into HA.

    All my integrations are available directly through HACS, no need to add custom repositories, just install HACS.

    Is network activity available through API? It was one of requested features and I see its use, but I cannot find it in API.

    Btw, OMV6 UI looks really good. I was just testing it today and made OMV6 supported by integration.

    Any function like getShareList that validates input params with rpc.common.getlist is going to require them.

    Ah, I see. None of those I chosen for use so far had rpc.common.getlist validation.

    I have still not finished going through all the endpoints, since I'm testing everything that looks useful using my API client and reviewing what makes sense for HA.

    Of course I dont need all of them, many dont have any use for automation.

    I also found sources for official addons, so no more problems here. Thank you very much for your help.

    Not sure about extras yet, but from my OMV days I remember those were widely used. I still need to install that package in my dev envinroment and see what would be useful for automation purpouses. But I think I will wait for next integration version for that.

    Looks like I have a lot of work in front of me :)

    This command works sudo omv-rpc -u admin "SMB" "getShareList" '{"start":0,"limit":25}'. Are you passing start and limit? They are required.

    No, I didnt even tried that, as they are optional everywhere else. Thanks.

    I have already asked HA community to submit feature request and how they want to use it.

    May as well make this to a fully featured integration, since I already commited into supporting it further.

    Nice. What do the HA users want to monitor?

    I am using some icinga2/nagios scripts to monitor and telegraf , but not using the API.

    Its more about triggering automations based on values and control services on OMV.

    I personally use NAS API to trigger snapshots and offsiting based on activity per dataset, utilization on internet gateway and presence.

    I know its an overkill, but it adds quite a bit of comfort and reliability.

    We could let votdev tell us if the api docs process still works.

    I would appreciate that.

    I personally dont use OMV anymore, which makes maintaining integration more difficut. But there are many users who use the integration and there are no alternatives, so I dont want to discontinue it.

    I would like to improve the integration and add OMV6 support.

    I was digging through the sources as well. The automated api docs haven't been run in a long time. So, that is why they are still on OMV 4.x. I don't even know if the process still works.

    I guess that will be only way forward then.

    Integration is about integrating OMV itself. Basic OS data are just a small bonus.

    SNMP wont provide data as OMV sees things, not to mention OMV configuration.

    Just to clarify, I'm looking for documentation with all entry points and response codes. I can only find OMV4 API docs.

    So far it is just very basic integration because I had to go blindly and dig through omv sources.

    I was curious about netatalk 3, main difference is the shares can now be indexed by spotlight and of course a different syntax for configuration. How is the spotlight working for you?
    I've build a custom version for a VM now for testing and I am thinking of moving it to my main machine. I'll have to leave the omv netatalk interface behind.
    Also stock wheezy is 2.2.2. Version 2.2.5 is in the Sid repo, has the main difference that allows symlinks which I find very useful

    I use AFP for timemachine only so I dont use spotlight there at all.

    Did you get it working? I been trying to get iscsitarget work on 3.14 kernel but version included does not compile on kernel above 3.8 (or 3.6, dont remember now) and newer one from debian ftp gets me into dependency hell :(

    so it should be stored in a like a large closet or something?( I have a walk in closet) How loud do you think? I know its probably a terrible idea to think about housing it in the basement - gets damp. Unless that wont affect it.

    thanks for the input

    1U servers are usually between 40-50db in idle. Noise level will be very close to washing machine with tone of vacuum cleaner, if that makes sense :)

    I transfered a 45Gb video, using both ultracopier and finder.

    I have cloned both vm's from fresh install of 1.0.14. One with included netatalk, other with compiled 3.1.0, just basic configuration.
    Both were between 105-119MB/s with one large file, only difference was OSX recognizing 3.1.0 as time capsule.

    debian/OMV uses Netatalk 2.2.2 which is 2.5 years old version. If you give me your testing methology, I can perform tests on 2.2.2 and 3.1.0 for comparison.