Posts by Adamaen

    You're right, i didn't backup my vm on OMV6 either, maybe i didn't get in this menu...

    I thought KVM appears in OMV6 services, bad memories...

    Anyway, thanks for your work and the quick answer and fix.


    I made the switch from OMV6 to OMV7 recently.

    Everything reinstalled on a nvme SSD.

    Everything works as OMV6 (mergerfs, snapraid, docker, docker-compose).

    I have a problem with the KVM plugin, installation is ok with no error. I can create a vm with no problem.

    But KVM service is not present on the dashboard services and i got a RPC error when i open the KVM backup or restore menu:

    Here syslog error:

    Thanks for help.


    Here is the ones i use:

    Emby, media server (moved from Plex after many years)

    Nextcloud (AIO), for files, calendar and contacts

    Bitwarden (unified), password management

    Guacamole, RDP and SSH in my home

    SWAG, proxy (nginx) for all my services (with integrated fail2ban, let's encrypt, ip geolocation)

    Authelia, MFA and TOTP on SWAG

    librespeed, speed tests

    filebrowser, shaer files with buddies.

    Internal only services:

    Sonarr, TV Show management

    Dozzle, for docker logs

    AdGuard Home, DNS server with AD filtering

    Glances, ressources viewer

    Mariadb and phpmyadmin, for db needs


    Thanks, finally it was a mess, as the backup was 2 months old, there was some updates, docker included. Si it restarted the service and overwrite my compose files.

    Fortunately i had compose backup :).

    Everything is fine now, thank you.

    For my culture, can you explain quickly why it needs to be in a database and not just reading the compose files in the configured directory?

    Thanks, so for services i don't use anymore i can simply delete it from compose files tab, no problem.

    For new services i will import them, no probleme either.

    The problem is for services that have been modified since the backup, in the compose plugin i see the old compose file but it is running the new one on my disk. But if i delete it from the plugin before importing , it will delete the good one on the disk as it is the good name?

    Best solution is to copy all compose directory, delete from web interface and import them again?


    OMV 6 latest version is installed on a usb drive, i have a dedicated nvme drive for docker (install directory, appdata and compose). I started to have errors on my usb stick (segmentation fault) and finally samba couldn't start and a lot of services.

    I also have a dedicated drive for backups (docker, omv and nextcloud).

    So i used a spare usb drive to do a backup following this article:

    [How-To] Restore OMV system backup made with openmediavault-backup plugin - Guides - openmediavault

    and everything works as expected 8)

    The only error is the compose files tab, it is showing the files at the backup date, not the real files on my drive (configured in the compose plugin).

    Other tabs are correct: services, stats, containers, images... and it's running the last version of my compose files of my dedicated drive.

    So all my docker services are ok.

    How can i correct the files tab without deleting ^^?

    Thanks for help.

    Ok, finally found the problem a few hours later and the help of google :).

    running the command:


    sh -x /usr/bin/apt-key list

    and found it was "touch" that generate the segmentation fault.

    "touch" is part of "coreutils" package.

    As i can't reinstall it with apt-get, i have downloaded the package from debian and reinstalled it (same version).

    And voilà, it's working again.

    If it can help someone ^^.


    since a few day the system update is not working anymore, this is the mail i get:

    When i check for updates in graphical interface:

    i already try:


    sudo omv-salt deploy run apt

    sudo omv-aptclean repos


    also i got a error when i try tihs command:


    #apt-key list

    #Segmentation fault

    Thanks for help

    m'a bien fait chier cette mise à jour, mais j'aime beaucoup la nouvelle intégration des dockers.

    Y-at'il un check des images des dockers de prévu, un accès au shell du docker ? une visu des logs plus exploitable que dans la popup omv ?

    Salut, pour les logs je te conseille le docker Dozzle, très léger et permet l'accès aux logs de tous tes containers.

    Hello there,

    Like some users, i suddenly don't find docker and portainer in omv-extra menu. I first think it was a bug, alt-F5, same problem, reboot same result.

    My server uptime was 1 or 2 months and there was some updates... So my first reaction was: hey, have a look at OMV forum. And voila, took about 2 minutes to find the solution.

    I can't understand how you can come here and not even read open threads and start a new one asking for help and complaining about changes...

    I just want to thanks ryecoaaron for his work, i also think it's a good change for docker. I want also to thanks KM0201 for his very helpfull guide for the new plugin.