Also, don't test from within the LAN by trying to connect to your public IP address. Many routers do not support that.
This. Did you check with your phone without beeing in the same network aka on LTE?
Also, don't test from within the LAN by trying to connect to your public IP address. Many routers do not support that.
This. Did you check with your phone without beeing in the same network aka on LTE?
Ports look fine, but maybe go back to and lets investigate further from that.
Do you have ssh access? Whats the output of docker ps -a?
I can say that I tried maybe half a dozend different approaches for that. I ultimately gave up on it, so only sabnzbd (usenet equivalent of transmission) has vpn (is a docker image with vpn baked into it).
Anyway, I followed the handy technoDad videos and got Transmission & Sonarr etc all set up via a stack, being tunnelled through my VPN Provider....(wasnt 100% sure why Sonarr etc needed to go through the VPN, but stuck with it)
Which one exactly?
Allthough my output looks a bit different on x86_x64, your output does not look faulty at all. What do you think is the problem?
Going through the folder on my mac shows portainer_data folder under volumes and also docker containers / images under the folder. (not changing anything just looking around. But to look around it it required me to change the folder permission to 777 (i know 777 is not secure at all so I changed to 755), which makes my first problem because it seems to also cause the web gui access of portainer to not work and I assume that OMV should provide enough permission at an automatic level that allows basic stuff such as portainer to work?
As seanmccabe pointed out: There is absolutely no need for you to poke around in the actual docker "program" folder. What you will find there are templates and the actual files of your set up containers.
Or to reiterate it once again: When you set up a docker container - be it with portainer, the old omv gui, docker run or docker-compose, what you do is (actually) two steps: You first download the template. From that template a actually container is run. This container runs your selected software in its own isolated environment, encapsulated from your NAS.
This leads to the problem of when I install other dockers such as Letsencrypt, it seems to not be able to read it's own files or internally communicated with itself without modifying the folder permission to 755. I gave a pgid=100, which is the user group access for the docker, which I assume is enough and should not require root level access?
Don't mess with anything in the system docker folder itself. Only mess with stuff in your working directories/shared folders.
My question is why when portainer pulls a new image and creating the docker's own files (/config) would change the permission. I know that some "software" would lock or hide files hoping users to not be able to alter and corrupt the "software". But my case is causing my docker to not be able to work even at fresh install like my Mariadb that I'm still working on..
I suggest to start from scratch and then looking for help to get mariadb to work, with the guide you might be following. Don't mess with the docker folder, only with stuff you should mess around.
I am sorry that this isn't my area but those are the only steps that I took to create the docker. If you just tell me what else you need I'll gladly get it for you. At this point the only information I have is what is available in the Docker UI in OMV.
Can you by any chance pass along any settings you set inside the OMV Docker UI, like gderf asked? Also, which image are you using in particular?
You don't seem to be the only one experiencing that error (no solution provided though):…on-error/m-p/514352#M6555
will this reset anything beyond ACLs? I have a bunch of chmod foldes and setup with my internal server for things like calibreweb, emby, kodi, etc. Don't want to destroy all the work I've put in to this thing.
It will reset ACLs and set the folder permissions (both recursively) the way you select it in the GUI:…r/usr/sbin/omv-resetperms
Can you think of reason why it would fail on all 3 the same way? I created new folders, named public, via cli: chmod 777; chown hakarune:users; chmod a+x. And the error is the same for all. I even checked ACL/perms via the gui and they were greyed/blank for all but the normal default ngnix one that you suggested I wipe of ACL.
Can you post a stat /folderpath command of the path in question?
I’m curious whatservices are you guys use Apache for ?
Do you ask why use Apache2 rather than nginx?
Err:8 usul Release Certificate verification failed: The certificate is NOT trusted. The certificate chain uses not yet valid certificate. Could not handshake: Error in the certificate verification. [IP: 443]
Get:9 buster-updates InRelease [51.9 kB] Reading package lists... E: The repository ' usul Release' no longer has a Release file.
E: Release file for is not valid yet (invalid for another 544d 6h 41min 33s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
E: Release file for is not valid yet (invalid for another 533d 13h 19min 37s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
E: Release file for is not valid yet (invalid for another 544d 4h 25min 52s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
Magic 8-Ball tells me your time is completly south.
If there's a way to wipe ACL settings let me know because I don't recall ever setting them up and always use SSH for setting perms.
Use the resetperms Plugin. That also resets ACLs.
Folder Permissions:
root@omvnas:/sharedfolders/web/apache# ll
total 0
drwxrwsrwx+ 2 hakarune users 24 Aug 9 01:59 html/
drwxr-sr-x+ 3 hakarune users 61 Aug 9 00:18 public/
When you configured your container. Did you set it to run as the user hakarune? Every other User won't write have permission.
Edit: A thread on stackexchange also suggests a missing execute flag on the folder path (which i can't verify due to your ACL ussage).
You could simply drag and drop the files while you access them through your explorer.
Can you show the config of your volumes?
Then we can dig deeper.
Can you show some overviews/log outputs of portainer for the nextcloud and LE container? Maybe even the config?
It's the same errors on 3 different taged apache images, an apache branch image, this thread's custom build apache image and the sentrifugo image.
In case you overlooked my question: Care to share that specific log?
davidh2k - I've been ok with swapping in and out of staging, but have also scrapped acme.json once.
Probably the bug was fixed with the 2.0 code base rewrite.
charging you to keep your screen off,
Well, the family plan is cheap in india...
using JetAudio
Never heard of it. Why no something around Lidarr and Subsonic etc.?
I asked for help on Traefik forum, but response. Caddy is a better option for me.
What ever that suits you best is good.
Traefik worked for me, but too much labels
I can understand the "too much labels" part, since I have to use labels too, since traefik otherwise would use the stack name as subdomain and the service as sub-subdomain. This is especcially true for 2.x since you now have to use more labels. But I gotta be honest, once you got the hang of it, it's just copy and paste from config A to B.
But all files apache create are created as root still and even if I manually change ownership/permissions them apache still fails to work no matter what settings I try.
Can you post the exact log output?
The 2 tutorials for ngnix I found say it ran on 5.x and the other tutorial says they have it running on 7.3. According to forum posts on here I should not change my php to 7.3 or it could break stuff.
Uh, if you're using a container you can run whatever you want. The container is independent from the host php.