Posts by davidh2k

    The traefik learning curve can be high at first. Even I had to wrap my head around it for quite some time. But when you have it set up, its a breeze. Cert management at its best, especcially when you use the DNS authentication, which is superb, especially for your typical broadband connection with dynamic IP assignment.

    Edit: Scrolling through the guide a bit. You can use

    mkdir -p /path/to/new/folders

    instead of

    mkdir /path/to/new

    mkdir /path/to/new/folder


    It's important to add that LetsEncrypt only supports wildcard domains (i.e. * - and if you have (or plan on having) many containers, and you want to reference them by machine name, ala - you will need wildcards - and therefore you'll need a DNS provider that supports the LetsEncrypt ACME API.

    That statement is not completely correct. Letsencrypt only allows for specific domains to be assigned with a cert- this includes subdomains in particular. - So I wouldn't write * but rather something like However, you are right that you actually want to use wildcard certs * you need to use DNS authentication.


    There is a comprehensive (and growing) list of eligible DNS providers - but it's important to stress that while the Traefik website may list your provider, that provider may be linked to a specific version of LEGO - which Traefik may not have included in a release yet. It's worth checking the LEGO release page for your provider and then checking if that version of LEGO is included in Traefik via the Traefik release page. One reason this article took a while to write was that the author needed support for their DNS provider - LEGO supported it, but that LEGO version wasn't in Traefik until 2.2.2.

    Cloudflare served me well in that case on multiple servers/domains.


    Next up - consider running your containers within a subdomain - not as a subdomain. i.e. if you want to run ZoneMinder - consider instead of This is for three reasons:

    Security through obscurity. Can work but doesn't have to.


    TOML vs YAML. Love it or hate it. :D

            address = ":443"    [entryPoints.web.http.redirections.entryPoint]

    Now I'm jealous with my config beeing on 2.0 state.

    # Uncomment the next line for using the ACME staging server
        # caServer = ""

    Be carefull using this. At least in 1.7 there was a bug that I encountered that made it so when switching from staging to prod, it renewed certs on every restart. Maybe throw away the acme.json content just to be sure afterwards.

    Overall some good thoughts on the configuration. ;)



    Hey, don't be so descriptive of your error messages that you receive or what you configuration looks like.

    Post your configuration and log files and some people may actually be able to help you.



    1004 and 1005 could be users that once were there, but are no longer existant. IDs may stay on folders, even when the user is deleted. You can use the resetperms Plugin to get rid of those entries.



    (max v2 version)

    Why max v2? You should be able to run 3.x just fine, depending how high the docker-compose is that portainer uses.

    You also didn't state what you explicit issue is. Is the container running? Anything in the logs?



    1. During reinstall, should i disconnect the HD from the Odroid?

    It's allways a good idea to disconnect data drives while reinstalling.

    2. After the system will be up, what should i do to restore the share folders?

    Just re-attach your data drives, mount them and reconfigure your shares containing your existing folders.

    I can't answer that. Maybe ryecoaaron can.



    The tuners are just usb tuners so don't think they use much power and the Arial splitter acts as a booster for the Arial as it would be powered.

    Gotcha. I have no Aerial Splitter so I rely on power from the tuner. :)

    Ill have to try a single tuner to start never made a docker which passes through a device.

    Yup. Passing through a device should not be a big problem.



    I'm looking for a way to use my OMV Hardware also as Mediaplayer. Important are HD-Audio Outputs (Dolby Atmos) and i'm familiar with Kodi and also a bit with Plex. The OMV system is connected with HDMI to a HD-Audio-Receiver.

    Not particularly suggested to run a desktop environment on OpenMediaVault. It can work but it could raise issues with the Desktop install. Been there, done that - allthough that has been years ago.

    Is there any way to let run a MediaPlayer with GUI & HD-Audio on the Host / OMV system? I've seen Docker is impossible.

    You can basicly use all 'guides' that are for Debian, since OpenMediaVault is based on Debian.

    But can i install Kodi on the OMV with autostart,

    Yes, allthough issues may arise. I had issues that the superuser in the desktop couldn't be used somehow. (On a full blown Desktop Environment, like opening menus that require root privileges.)

    do something with a VM, Proxmox?

    A VM won't net you much, or would require enormous configuration to passthrough the graphics card. Performance can be okay, but doesn't need to be.

    I also read something about "emby" (never heard before).

    Emby is a centralized Media Server for all your devices. Like using Kodi with a centralized Database, but a tad better.

    PS: Schreibt man in diesem Forum eigentlich Deutsch oder englisch?

    Das hängt davon ab wie viele Anworten man möchte und wie fähig man sich fühlt in englisch zu schreiben. ^^

