Small problem. Kralizec 1.19, Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.16-0.bpo.2-amd64, regular "Apt clean", a dozen plugins enabled
When I [x] enable plexmediaserver plugin and click [save], I get the option to [Apply] or [Revert].
If I select [Apply] I get the "Apply configuration changes popup http://i.imgur.com/VXeYJN4.png which never disappears. Plex does not start. Plex Settings tab becomes unavailable. OMV GUI becomes unuseable
I can reboot OMV and then I can [Revert] the changes, disabling the plexmediaserver plugin.
Starting plexmediaserver via shellinabox - "sudo service plexmediaserver start" works fine; Plexmediaserver starts fine within a second and keeps working
..until a reboot or until I try to [x] enable the plugin
Enabling plex has worked in the past; I think it got screwed up when I enabled another plugin (sickbeard? syncthing?)
I've been living like this (with the PMS toggle in the "off" position, and manually starting PMS) for at least a month. This is no life.