Posts by Akeem

    Small problem. Kralizec 1.19, Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.16-0.bpo.2-amd64, regular "Apt clean", a dozen plugins enabled

    When I [x] enable plexmediaserver plugin and click [save], I get the option to [Apply] or [Revert].
    If I select [Apply] I get the "Apply configuration changes popup which never disappears. Plex does not start. Plex Settings tab becomes unavailable. OMV GUI becomes unuseable
    I can reboot OMV and then I can [Revert] the changes, disabling the plexmediaserver plugin.

    Starting plexmediaserver via shellinabox - "sudo service plexmediaserver start" works fine; Plexmediaserver starts fine within a second and keeps working
    ..until a reboot or until I try to [x] enable the plugin

    Enabling plex has worked in the past; I think it got screwed up when I enabled another plugin (sickbeard? syncthing?)
    I've been living like this (with the PMS toggle in the "off" position, and manually starting PMS) for at least a month. This is no life.

    First, a sincere thanks for creating the Syncthing plugin.

    I've created a few folders which appear to sync fine but get these messages in the GUI every minute for each folder:
    9:02:54: Folder "XXX" isn't making progress - check logs for possible root cause. Pausing puller for 1m0s.
    9:03:00: Folder "YYY" isn't making progress - check logs for possible root cause. Pausing puller for 1m0s.
    9:03:06: Folder "ZZZ" isn't making progress - check logs for possible root cause. Pausing puller for 1m0s.
    9:03:21: Folder "WWW" isn't making progress - check logs for possible root cause. Pausing puller for 1m0s.

    Could someone direct me to the location Syncthing log?
    This log isn't included in the OMV webgui "system logs" but neither can I find it using eXtplorer plugin in the\var\log directory.

    Would you mind linking a guide to installing syncthing which would be easiest to use on OMV?

    How do you update after a major version change?

    edit: even some general tips for installing any package on OMV would be usefull; i.e.

    • search for "install" + "the name of the software" + "wheezy" (Debian?)
    • in addition to the normal installation steps, create a new user and give write permission to folder X & Y
    • make the software auto-running by ..

    google is our friend, but it would helpful to know what to search for and what is usually different for OMV compared to popular distros..

    ASRock H97M-ITX/a, Intel Core i3-4150, 8GB RAM, Seasonic G-360, 360 Watt, 80PLUS Gold, Crucial MX100 SSD 128GB
    2* WD Red 6TB, 20 min spindown.

    idle power consumtion: 34W
    vs 40W with drives spinning
    OMV box runs 24/7, so HDD spindown saves ~€11/year and I still pay ~€75/year for power

    And that's wíth a USB DVB tuner, which probably doesn't suck anything unless it's being used.

    Related: you are aware that btsync 2.0 will limit you to 10 syncable "folders" whereas in btsync 1.4 there's no such limt?

    Is there a procedure for reverting to an older version of a plugin if you were to accidentally upgrade?
    I used to [x]check all in the update manager; now I have to remember to deselect btsync 2.0 packages, as I'd like to stay at 1.4.xx until there's an easy migration to Syncthing.

    I quite like your monologue.
    I can't be of any assistance, but would be interested in a step-by-step to be able to use OMV ánd use both internal HDDs.
    I wouldn't mind to buy a USB-SSD device.

    I'd would love to use btsync on the main OMV box ánd on the NSA325. Btsync does exactly what I wanted to achieve with rsync.

    Is the BitTorrent/Transmission cache saved on the OS disk?
    Would increasing the allocated cache from the default 100Mbyte to several gigabytes increase the use of the OS SSD?
    And would this allow the HDDs to sleep longer?

    Great, thank you.

    A bit of feedback:

    nas.lan:8008 returns Error: header too large, Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 413 (header too large)

    nas.lan:3000 returns nothing (This webpage is not available); no simple interface
    however, playing nas.lan:3000/channels.m3u as a stream in VLC works great

    interface works with the default login you provided

    Each of these needs the main VDR plugin to work, right?
    Because it's quite possible to enable these extras while VDR is not.

    Wanted to try the VDR plugin to stream a DVB channel to a local computer on the network.

    However, the "info" tab appears to be missing from the latest VDR plugin, so I'm stuck.
    I think the info tab in previous versions contained instructions? viewer software options? default user/password for the plugin extras?

    VDR and VDRadmin-am are running, 12 channels have been found after a scan, all VDR extras are enabled. I've entered in "allowed hosts" in the streamdev tab.
    I just want to watch TV live streams, but playing the network URL in VLC results nothing happening; no error.

    Anybody still has the older plugin with the info tab?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    After booting my main computer, I'd like it to automatically open a browser with the OMV webgui "Dashboard" tab and another webgui "eXtplorer" tab.

    Can these steps be automated?

    • While Chrome can remember and pre-fill most login popups, this doesn't appear to work for the OMV Webgui login
    • Is there an URL of the services/plugins or other OMV webgui "pages/tabs" I can use to add to the Chrome "on startup" list?
      http://xxx.yyy:6001/extplorer/ works,
      http://xxx.yyy:6001/dashboard/ does not
    • Is there a way to circumvent/disable the eXtplorer login?
    • Is the favorites feature of eXtplorer supposed to work? I only get a "Loading..." animation when trying to add my media folder.

    any help appreciated