I've posted a solution that worked for me here:
Here's the updated link to the mentioned thread: Problems with network graphs?
I've posted a solution that worked for me here:
Here's the updated link to the mentioned thread: Problems with network graphs?
I think more information is needed., because not even the OMV version is stated.
Regarding the network open, can you try establishing a connection to the port using telnet/nc ?
You are indeed correct. Trying to mount the disk on the command-line without specifying the slot will fill all the available memory until it freezes the system. The most funny thing is that cryptsetup will even tell you about it but proceeds anyway:
Quotesudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda name
Enter passphrase for /dev/sda:
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
The solution is indeed to recreate the PBKDF2 key on the first slot of the disk.
Thank you rye for your help, much appreciated!
Thank you for replying. Indeed I'm living on the edge with the Rpizero2w as it's below OMV minimum requirements. For example, photoprism on podman is so slow that's impossible to use. However for the bare minimum (smb shares, ssh) it's actually very stable.
LUKS will open the slot that matches the passphrase you supply. If slot 0 and slot 1 have the same passphrase, then it will most likely open slot 0. You should use different passphrases for different slots anyway. You will still likely have problems since your rpi2w has less ram than required for OMV.
Unfortunately both slots have indeed different passphares so I suspect OMV is trying the wrong passphrase on slot 0 that, due to low memory, cannot detect that it has failed to open the disk and will continue until all memory is exhausted. Since this LUKS disk is for cold backup storage, I only use it seldomly so for me this is not an issue as I can open via the command line.
Thank you for the help and support, this community is great tbh.
Hello everyone. I'm having some issues with LUKS plugin in OMV 7 on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
This device only has 512 MB of RAM and that prevented opening a LUKS disk neither via OMV web plugin (I would get 504 - Gateway Time-out) nor via command line as the system would halt because of low memory due to using a Argon2i key.
I was able to solve this issue, according to this SO answer, by adding from another computer, a PBKDF2 key which doesn't use extra memory and now I'm able to unlock the disk using the command line in the RaspberryPi with the S1 switch:
cryptsetup luksOpen -S 1 /dev/sda name
Unfortunately when using the OMV web plugin, it's still not possible to open the disk. I suspect that the plugin is trying to open the disk using the Argon2i key on slot 0 instead of the PBKDF2 on slot 1, and by doing that, it will exhaust all the memory until I'm forced to reboot. Using the command line all is well.
Could you please edit the topic and add more useful information, like defining amd64 or something about boot? Just calling this thread "Installation" is almost an insult to netiquette. Thank you.
I got this DNS issue while trying to install OMV on a rpi with the automated script. Somehow it messed up with my IP and DNS settings. Setting the IP static and manually setting the DNS *before* running the script somehow fixed it. Can you try the same?