Posts by nihal

    I'm also facing the same issue. Recently, I upgraded my OMV5 setup which was running docker for home assistant and related containers. I upgraded to the latest version of OMV7 along with latest version of Armbian OS (Debian 12 based) and tried to restore the docker containers from my docker compose files. Home assistant and other containers which are directly connected to host are working but the containers where only a few ports are exposed through bridge network are not working (Containers can't access host, local network and internet. Similarly, user can't access containers through exposed ports from host or local network). I'm searching for a fix with no success since past 2 days.

    I found similar issue reported here:…-only-host-mode/142577/11

    It looks like the issue is related to this but not sure:…7#issuecomment-1662733064