Posts by fmonaca


    I added OMV_MONIT_SERVICE_FILESYSTEM_SPACEUSAGE=95 in /etc/default/openmediavault and rebuilt the configuration and restarted the service (omv-mkconf collectd, monit restart collectd), but in the logs I keep having the same entries:

    Sep 21 10:39:31 OMV monit[3562]: 'fs_media_905c93c6-ed7c-40c1-a916-444cabaf62e6' space usage 91.2% matches resource limit [space usage>80.0%]

    so basically the new threshold is ignored.

    I'm using Openmediavault 2.1.15, and the problem was present also in 2.1.14.

    Any ideas?



    Thanks for your heads up and the script. I was getting crazy trying to receive email notifications through a VPN that blocks 25, 465 and 587 ports. No whitelists available, and couldn't get the packet marking using iptables work.

    This solutions works and it takes 5 minutes to setup.

    I tried your script and it installed fine (at least it said so). Problem is that now the openmediavault web interface is broken (internal server error). I have a suexec error:

    [2013-06-12 17:42:50]: uid: (999/openmediavault) gid: (999/openmediavault) cmd: php-fcgi
    [2013-06-12 17:42:50]: target uid/gid (999/999) mismatch with directory (999/999) or program (0/0)

    I installed Sickbeard and Couchpotato v1, and cannot access them directly either. Any ideas?

    I solved the problem. Oddly /var/www/openmediavault had already the right permissions (openmediavault:openmediavault). I simply reassigned them recursively and it solved the issue.
    Problem is that I only have Sickbeard in the web interface, though I asked for a shortcut for Couchpotato as well.
    I can access Couchpotato on port 5000, but Sickbeard is not working, even if I point at my nas:8081 address.

    I had to download the source of Cheetah and run 'python install' in order to be able to run Sickbeard.

    Quote from "davidh2k"

    I didn't read all of your guide now, because iam no longer into torrent, but i can recommend something if you want to keep track of your TV Series:


    Thanks David,

    I knew that site. Problem is, I wanted something to download automatically the shows I was interested in.
    I Can record with TVheadend any show that they air in my country, just using the automatic recorder. But then I would have to edit it to remove the ads, to trim it, to encode it... it takes time.
    With this solution, once in a while I check my incoming dir and I already have the shows there. It's just a matter of moving them in the right directory (maybe I'll write something to sort them out and move them as well, as soon as I have some time to spare - it is easy if you have naming rules for your directory structure).


    Hello everybody.
    Lately I found that I was tired of checking every couple of days whether the next episode of my 2 or 3 favourite TV series was aired and was available to download.
    I had a look at the excellent guide in the first post but I didn't want to pay for a subscription (even if cheap), nor the hassle to configure a lot of new stuff on Openmediavault.
    So I thought of something much simpler - without any sorting, auto-classification etc. -. Something that checked regularly some site for the release of my torrents of interest and downloaded the show in case it was found. I decided to use, since they offer the possibility to download an hourly dump of all their torrents.
    I decided to write a simple php script that called from a cron job did all the work of checking, downloading the torrent and putting it into Transmission's watch directory. It gets the hourly dump from and parses it looking for the TV shows specified using one of the php scripts (and stored into a mysql db).

    I'm not a coder, not anymore anyway. The scripts that I'm attaching are only to support the idea that I explained here, feel free to write them from scratch in a better form or to correct/improve mine, I don't care. My php is crap, I spent half a day to write these 3 php pages and mostly due to the fact that I didn't remember much about php (last time I had to write something was 6 years ago) and had to browse the documentation every couple of lines. So don't bother complaining about the crappiness of it all because I already know. If you can rewrite it better in 20 minutes drunk and blindfolded then do it, the important thing is that you share!
    If you think that the whole thing is a bad idea it's fine with me, just ignore this post! So please answer with constructive criticism or with ideas to improve the concept - if you think that it is worth it, that's it -, thanks!

    What you need: Website with PHP, Mysql and Bittorrent plugins

    You have to enable the watch directory under Files and Locations in the Server section of Transmission
    Then create a virtual site or a directory (whatever you prefer) under your website and put the php pages there (index.php, edit.php, gettorrents.php).
    Create a symlink to the watch directory where the php pages are, call it "watch" or, if you change the name, you have to change it into gettorrents.php as well.
    Put your username and password to access your db into the pages (I know, an include would have been better - I'm lazy) where you see "username" and "password" ;)
    Create the database (the dump is in the rar file).
    Put the sh script where it can be called by cron, modify it with the right path of the php scripts.
    Once you've done that it is pretty much ready. Open your browser and go to index.php (in my configuration it is on ipaddress-of-web-server/tvshows) and create a new entry.
    Remember that all the fields are checked in logical AND, although the order doesn't matter. Some of them are optional.

    What you can specify is:

    Name of the show (as you would find it in the torrent), case insensitive:
    I.e. game of thrones - bear in mind that it will only find torrents with "game of thrones" in them, something with "game.of.thrones" won't be found!

    Season: season number, numeric.

    Next episode: the episode the script should start checking next time it runs, numeric

    Quality: sd or 720 - so far I've put only these 2 but is easy to add 1080 as well

    Releaser: optional, case sensitive - in case you want to download a particular releaser's torrent instead of the first one found in the torrents dump

    Lang: language - default is english, easy to add more languages

    End episode: end episode of the series. It is needed in order for the script to put a particular show as disabled once it downloads the last one.

    Enabled: 0/1 for disabled/enabled, respectively. Only enabled ones will be checked in the torrents dump

    The button with the X is to delete a row.

    Lastly, you have to create a cron job in Openmediavault with the frequency you desire the script to check for new torrents. Of course this job must call the sh script. Once a day is fine in most cases.
    If a torrent with all the requisites is found then it's downloaded, moved into the watch directory, and Transmission will start to download the relative content(s).
    The next episode field will be changed in the database, so next time it runs it will check for the next one. If last episode matched was equal to last episode in the db, the show is disabled.
    In the top left corner of the index.php page you can see the last time the script run and the last show found (if any).