Posts by vl1969

    There were one before version 3.
    It was never ported.
    You can try loading webmin alongside of omv. It has a nice file manager. Just do not do anything else from it. Use only for file manager.
    For basic file move/copy a midnight commander should work well. If you need to go to different screen anyway. Also omv used to have shellinabox plugin which gave you command shell in a browser so you can run mc there.

    Sent from my LG-TP450 using Tapatalk

    The implied usage would be, 1 partition on a disk is part of an array. The remainder (either unused or a 2nd file system partion), is not part of the array. Manually created or not, I'm amazed that this is possible.

    why are you amazed?
    I have done this setup before. not with OMV but it works.
    MDADM can use partitions as devices.
    you can not do this with hardware raid but with software raids it is possible.
    I had used this before to have a raid-1 bootable OS drive setup.

    you would have a layout like

    Drive1 -> /dev/sda
    /boot -- partition -- no raid
    /sda1 -- main partition for OS -- MD0
    /sda2 -- swap -- MD1

    second drive is the same.

    in fact the only problem I had was to make sure to install grub to both drives as normal Debian and most other distros installer only put grub on one disk, you have to manually force it to second drive after install.

    also it is not usually recommended to put swap on mdadm raided disk , but I have found that if you do not and disk with swap partition fails you are tost.

    well that is not how SnapRaid actually works you know :)

    the thing with snapraid is that when you loose more drive than can be recovered you only loosing data on those drives. the rest is still there and usable.

    i.e. let say you have 8 disks setup
    1P(arity) + 7D(ata)

    this protects you for a single data drive loss. if you loose one data disk you can recover the data on it.
    if you loose 2 disks than what ever data was on those disks are lost, but data on the other 5 are still there and usable. so with a decent backup you only loose a percentage of the data temporary until you can restore from backup.

    so even if you do loose 2 disks you only loose data on those disks period.
    if you loose 2 4TB you loose 8TB data
    if you loose 1 2tb and 1 4tb you loose 6TB of data all other data is safe and available.
    as per SNapRaid Wiki you can stay with single disk parity for up to 4 data disks
    after that you need to add a additional parity disk for every 7 data disks in the pool.

    1/Single Parity/RAID52 - 4
    2/Double Parity/RAID65 - 14
    3/Triple Parity15 - 21
    4/Quad Parity22 - 28
    5/Penta Parity29 - 35
    6/Hexa Parity36 - 42

    not 100% understand what is the point in this setup.

    what you proposing is not having 2 parity disks setup but rather 2 pools with single parity disk each.
    why is it different from having a single pool with a single 4 TB parity?

    let see
    you have 4x2TB and 4x3 tb

    a single pool with 1x4TB parity will get you 20TB protected config.
    (2+2+2+2+4+4+4 ) = (8+12) = 20
    your setup yelads you 18TB and loose you 2TB
    (2+2+2) = 6
    (4+4+4) =12

    and not only do you loose the 2TB in the process, but you add complexity and limit expansion capability.
    without gaining any thing at all. you still have a single parity setup in a sense.
    and now if you want to update 2TB pool you will need to add a bigger drive to it as parity(loosing the dive) and add a second drive to add capacity.
    also you do know that you can add parity and data disks at any time?

    ALSO, I think you misunderstand how SnapRaid works( OR I misunderstand your post somehow).
    even when you configure the Snapraid, unless you use the pooling feature in SR it self, you end up with just a bunch of disks. snapraid, unlike other mdadm and such, does not actually combines the disks into single volume. it just keeps track of the disks and data on them and if something is amiss acts on the issue so you can mergerfs all of them as you want.

    you looking at it all wrong.

    SnapRaid sits on top of FS. you can use any FS you want on the drives and just put them into SnapRaid setup. it is a independent software that, to some degree, emulate raid functionality.

    same thing with MergerFS. it is not a file system per see, it is a software layer that aggregate a bunch of disks into a single presentable volume but works on top of existing FS. like an intermediary between them and user shares.

    what is great about both a snapraid and mergers is that they work with existing disks with existing FS on them, they are non-destructive to the data, as in you can add drives with data to both on the fly and data will be there for you to use, and you can remove disassemble the pools and data still be there.

    you use SnapRaid for data protection and you use MergerFS for have a single pool to work with using multiple hardware disks underneath.

    unlike ,what I usually call a real raid, hardware or software, which does 2 things at the same time,
    1. pools a bunch of disks into single volume and protects the data on that pool
    SR and MergerFS do only one thing each.
    SnapRaid protects your data from destruction and keeps you running if a hardware drive fails
    and MergerFS allows you to merge (pool) a bunch of drives into a single volume.


    Got some strange issues with a fresh install.
    When adding drives, the pulldownmenu is empty. I wiped the hard drives but it doesn't matter.
    Any idea's?

    do you mean in SnapRaid tab?

    SnapRaid does not work with raw drives. it is kind of a "pseudo raid" and need an FS on the disk and disk mounted in the system.

    I am sure there are more experienced people here,and they will chime in with more detailed info.
    that said, yes there are several backup options that you can do in OMV.

    first thing first, just an FYI, when you setup OMV do not forget to install and setup OMVExtras plugin as soon as you can. OMV on it's own have very limited set of addons. most of plugins are maintained and distributed via OMVExtras repo and plugin interface.

    there is a backup plugin , and I do believe someone is working on another one.
    you can also setup an rsync script to sync to a secondary machine.

    as for VPN, there is a plugin already exists (OMVExtras remember :) ) that will help you to install and configure it on OMV system WebUI. but I understand that it is possible to install it via CLI as well.

    Like I said before, check out what exist first.
    the best way to see what is there is to simply spin up a VM somewhere, install OMV in VM
    install extras, you will need to download the file and upload it to OMV or search the forum and get the CLI commands for that. and look through the list.
    believe me, you will be pleasantly surprised on how many things are there for you to use.

    I do most of my testing on my Windows10 PC hyper-V config.

    still a bit vague...

    do you mean you want to have Debian setup with Desktop and run OMV ?
    if yes than it is not possible. OMV is not compatible with desktops.

    if you mean a server, headless install, it will work but do understand that OMV does a lot and some things are done differently compared to vanilla Debian, so you need to be very careful of what you doing in CLI.

    the best setup would be running OMV on its own, and use Plugins to extend functionality natively to OMV not Debian. it is still possible to do things in CLI (as if it was plain Debian) but you need to take care not to intermingle with OMV functionality, do your research first.

    remember, Raid is not a backup, hence "ryecoaaron" question :)

    yes you can setup and use Raid in OMV. it uses regular MDADM. but you still need a backup.
    for when SHTF.

    frankly I am not sure what it changes in terms of UUID or anything else.
    when I was testing this, a few years back, I used a simple VM with Linux Mint on it.
    and just run the conversion on system disk ,as the WiKi said I can do it :)

    it worked but if it changed UUID or not I am not sure.

    guess the tool is not compatible with OMV :)
    I know I tested the conversion and it works great.
    the whole drive is converted online, on a live system. even if it is an OS drive. whole thing just keeps running and be usable throughout the process.
    but it was not OMV, just plain Linux distro, Mint if memory serves me right.

    I would suggest to be safe, incase you don't have a backup, do a full copy of everything from your md disk
    while it still accessible.
    if I read your post correctly you only have about 2TB of data, do a full backup first thing.

    from your output, it doesn't seems like the drive is lost or got a different designation it just got dropped from array for some reason.
    so, next, as geaves suggested, identify your dropped drive and try adding it back to array

    "mdadm --manage /dev/md1 --re-add /dev/sda"since you use raid10 you can not remove the drive until you add a new one as it will drop you below min required disk count.
    so you can try procedure from here and see if it works

    from your output, it doesn't seems like the drive is lost or got a different designation it just got dropped from array for some reason.

    I get this same behavior most of the time as well.
    however I usually open new window when responding so if I get an error ot it seams like post did not submit
    I just switch to the main window and refresh. if I see my post in the list I just close the bad window and go on.

    pjoyce42 >> not sure how much data are we talking abut here, but first thing first, and it might help with duplicates, go and get a nice external drive that can fit all your data. I have recently needed to configure my server, which BTW is still in shambles on the bench :) , but since I did not have any usable drives to use for backup I went out and bought a 5TB USB-3 Seagate dataStore and copy my data there.
    #1 I now have an extra copy of the files,
    #2. while I moved the data I deduped it greatly.

    now , if you have more data than can fit on one external, you might want to figure a better strategy.
    one way to do it in your case may be , since you said you have 3 data drives that have been used in redundant setup, designate one drive for backup use. clean it up, format it and begin copying the data to it , deduping as you go. once you have a one full copy of data, format second drive and copy all data to it from the first one.

    now as you have 2 copy , set aside one of the drive format the third one. add both of them(one with data one clean ) to OMV make sure you can clearly identify the drives, I usually when format and partition, add label to FS,
    create snapRaid pool using clean drive as Parity and data as data.
    once all is up and running you can clean the backup drive empty and add it to snapraid.
    and you are ready to build a MergerFS pool.
    of course you can also just get a fourth drive. build out a proper SnapRaid array with 3 disk (1 parity and 2 data)
    copy all data to the properly protected array and than just add the backup disk as 3rd data disk. snapraid is flexible like that. just make sure you do not introduce dups on multiple drives.

    Thanks for all your help. I guess I just didn't understand the IP configuration as well as I thought I did. I managed to get it working by entering a proper IP address of

    that is a good news :-), now you can be on your way to proper setup of OMV.

    Correct, my Norco server is turned off and not running. I have no idea why it is setup on port 81, I think was what Napp-it required although I don't really remember, it was a nearly two years ago when I set it up.

    since the server is off and yet the link still brings you to IPMI interface I assume that as you are using the dedicated port if IP is used without the port specifics (port 80 is assumed default on http://) it will bring you to IPMI page always, and port 81 redirection will pass through to the server OS once it is up and running. you can test that when you bring it online.

    So what good is IPMI and what can I do with it that I can't do through the OMV webUI?

    well it is a bit different animal altogether. OMV webUI allows you to run and manage the server remotely once it is installed and configured. without needs for CLI as much as possible.
    but to get there you need to install the OS first.
    IPMI allows you to manage the server remotely using webUI or Special IPMI client , but as if you are sitting right at the server console. imagine bringing the server to server room, plug in the power and network into it , no monitor, no keyboard/mouse needed. don't even need to turn it on,
    then go onto your workstation load up the ip scanner and find new IP. connect to it and now you can

    turn on the server and see the BIOS/boot process as if you use local monitor and keyboard.
    go into the BIOS and configure it as needed.
    attache cd/dvd rom or usb disk from your workstation or even ISO from your workstation to your server
    and install OS (the very own OMV) on it from your desk just like you did but not actually seating at the server rack. for example my server is in the basement. I have no place to sit there, no desk nothing. it is so much nicer to do this form my PC in my office room. in my case I still need to connect the drives physically as my server is very old and IPMI has problems working with Linux when remote connecting drives. but everything else works as expected. I cant even imagine what I will do if I have to switch to MB without IPMI now :)

    you get used to good things very fast...

    Also, what is the point in using more than one ethernet port especially since I am just going to be using SMB?

    not sure if you need to use more than one port in your setup, but as I said before, some times when you have a dedicated IPMI port it is not working as passthrough port. maybe on newer MB is does , but on my server IPMI port is fully dedicated, it is not even shows up as available ETH port
    all I can see is 2 eth ports 0 and 1. on some boards the IPMI can be run in shared mode as in if you plug in both the IPMI and eth0 the IPMI will run in dedicated mode and eth0 will run as lan mode.
    your system should only see 2 lan ports total.

    and since you saying the IPMI port was not plugged in hence you did not see a strange new IP on your router, as it would surely picked up the DHCP one.
    again not sure about what are you long term plans for all this hardware, but if you ever decide you want virtualisation, and your Norco is similar in specs with this server, you can load both of them with Proxmox and have a nice 2 node cluster setup and use the second link for DRDB sync.

    thanks for the info regarding IP camers, that is useful information since I plan on installing those at a later date as well.

    you are welcome. you do realise that there is no requirements for you to use the last address range for cameras. it is just most of the time nowadays lots of devices use the last address as default houping the your net range never fills up to use it. and you do need to re-assign the device to new address once installed.

    I would say when you get your drives, record the drives Serial numbers
    than once plugged in CLI blkid will give you the data you need.
    maybe something on WebUI disks page will help also.
    depending on your case, try also record where each drives is located within the case.
    I have the SM 846 24 disk hot plug chassis , each is numbered so I can find things easy enough.