Dachte ich mir, dann kann es alleine daran schon liegen, dass das Script vom Plugin nicht läuft.
Dann schau mal in den mysql logs nach: /var/log/mysql/.
Posts by sieben
Hm, mir scheint es dass mysql gar nicht wirklich beendet wird.
Versuche mal was bei
service mysql stop
kommt. Ich schätze mal es kommt eine Warnmeldung, dass mysqld nicht beendet werden kann und somit auch das post installation skript vom mysql plugin nicht richtig funktioniert.Um 100% sicher zu gehen, kannst du für deine Datenbanken du mit:
mysqldump -uUSER -pPASSWORT -A --events --ignore-table=mysql.event > all_dbs_`date +"%Y%m%d"`.sqleinen Dump erstellen. Output ist die .sql-Datei.
Mal einfach mit
apt-get purge mysql
apt-get purge openmediavault-mysqldie mysql Pakete deinstallieren, danach nochmal probieren.
Freigaben auch in den SMB Einstellungen hinzufügen und aktivieren, sowohl auch die Privilegien der freigegebenen Ordner für die jeweiligen Benutzer überprüfen. Dann sollte das klappen. Ansonsten mal genauer beschreiben, was du gemacht und eingerichtet hast. Sonst ist das etwas schwer zu diagnostizieren...
Leicht off-topic: Mit ntfs könnte es sein dass du recht schlechte Performanz erreichst...
You cannot create a share from the OS partition, right. If you change the sizes of the partition, or in fact create a second partition, you could use this partition for shared folders. This only depends on the size of your USB. For usage of SD-cards or USB-Sticks it is recommended to use the Flash-plugin.
I tried resetting the mysql password via the OMV WebGui, but didn't change anything.
Then I found out that stopping the mysql server ends up in an error and mysql going into failed-state.Furthermore I found a solution regarding this issue:
Resetting the debian-sys-maint user password over the MySQL Web Interface, with the password stored in /etc/mysql/debian.cnfNo idea how this password may got corrupted....
Anyway i can access the MySQL Server with the IP now. Everything fixed.
Thanks to you!
Hey, I don't want to open a new thread as I am having the same issue right now.
I'm trying to set up the kodi DB on my banana pi and run into following error, when trying to connect to the MySQL DB.
The DB itself is working well, but is not able to be connected via the IP.
The Bind address is set to on the OMV WebGUI and this value is also represented in the /etc/mysql/conf.d/openmediavault-mysql.cnf file.
Port is default 3306.But Kodi returns an error not being able to connect to the mysql database on my local IP
Even trying to connect from the banana pi itself is only working with no host option, or the localhost IP.Code
Display More# working with localhost or IP root@bananas:~# mysqladmin -ukodi -pkodi -h127.0.0.1 version mysqladmin Ver 8.42 Distrib 5.5.47, for debian-linux-gnu on armv7l Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Server version 5.5.47-0+deb8u1 Protocol version 10 Connection via TCP/IP TCP port 3306 Uptime: 3 days 11 hours 50 min 47 sec Threads: 7 Questions: 493292 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 246 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 239 Queries per second avg: 1.634 # NOT working with IP root@bananas:~# mysqladmin -ukodi -pkodi -h192.168.178.100 version mysqladmin: connect to server at '' failed error: 'Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)' Check that mysqld is running on and that the port is 3306. You can check this by doing 'telnet 3306' root@bananas:~#
Does someone have a clue what the issue might be?
Thanks a lot. -
Shares work, plex works too.
I don't use torrent and vpn though.
Vpn should work anyway I guess. Maybe not over a plug in.
If I'm not completely wrong then I saw the torrent plugin is available. -
This would be a how-to to install OMV 3 : Install OMV3 on Cubox-i
But as ryecoaaron said it's not ready and early beta, but no one keeps you from installing it. There will be no support yet for anything...
Did you check the /var/logs directory? Depending on how long you are running OMV already and how much space you want to free, there might be some large log files or collections you don't need anymore.
@Lothar wunderbar! Freut mich, dass ich dich in die richtige Richtung gelenkt hab.
Obwohl es mich doch etwas wundert, da bei mir auch die Freigaben mit groß geschriebenem Anfangsbuchstaben funktionieren. Naja wer weiß, manchmal ist es eben seltsam. -
Vielleicht blöde Frage:
Aber Freigaben sind auch unter den SMB Einstellungen hinzugefügt und aktiviert?
Und in den Freigaben von SMB ist auch der Freigabename der, den du versuchst mit \\Server\Ordner zu erreichen?Ansonsten könntest du noch die config aus /etc/samba/smb.cnf posten.
Hi, habe da eine Vermutung, dass wohl mit den Berechtigungen etwas nicht ganz passt.
Hatte es ähnlich, dass die Berechtigungen direkt im Filesystem (z.B. über WinSCP) richtig ausgesehen haben, es aber trotzdem nicht geklappt hat.
Samba funktioniert am besten mit den default-Permissions für shared folders: 2775; owner=root; group=users.Versuche mal über die WebGui die Berechtigungen der shared folder so nochmal neu zu setzen (Button "ACL" in dem Fall)
Hoffe es klappt
Is it your only aim to have the boot sector on SD card and OMV on HDD?
That should work without anything else, do I get you right? -
I never tried or used owncloud, so I can't tell anything about it.
I'm using Seafile as Dropbox-like-alternative, and ftp server... -
Yes it is possible to move the OS to the HDD. You can just google that
You probably would have to move the existing partition on your HDD though, to create a first partition for the OS.
And another thing is, the HDD won't spin-down (go into idle) anymore. -
Ok, there is definitely lots of space left on you sd card.
Did you ever thought about moving OMV to your HDD? It's supposed to run a bit faster and more reliable than on a SD card.
As I am on a banana pi and don't have a partition for rrdcache, so I don't want to say something wrong.
Generally you'd have to move the third (mmcblk0p3) partition to the end of the sd card, to be able to increase the size of the second partition.tekkb posted a video about this issue:
RPI: how to expand the OS partition after writing image -
Hi, I would guess that you can increase the size of your mmcblk0p2 partition.
Why do you have a third partition labelled "rrdcache"?
Check with lsblk how the sizes of the partitions of your sd card are exactly.The partitions can be enlarged via the Webgui, if the partition is not referenced.
Access from outside you have to set up depending on your network configuration. You probably have to set up port forwarding in your router.