Posts by sieben

    Hey, I have a similar problem with mounting a SATA-HDD and tried this testing suggested by @subzero79 (sda2 instead of sdh1)

    mount -o defaults,nofail,user_xattr,noexec,usrjquota=aquota.user,,jqfmt=vfsv0,acl /dev/sdh1 /mnt/disk

    This way the mount fails, but with these options (without "usrjquota=aquota.user,")

    mount -o defaults,nofail,user_xattr,noexec,jqfmt=vfsv0,acl /dev/sda2 /mnt/disk

    it works.
    How is it possible to solve this error? Thanks a lot!

    Slightly off-topic:
    Ok, das habe ich mir gedacht. Bei Armbian gibt es leider auch Probleme das auf eine HDD zu schieben, die root Partition wird nur als read-only gemountet, ein Workaround funktioniert zwar, aber wohl nicht zu 100%....
    --- end off-topic

    @Wolf2000 How does your /etc/fstab/ look like?

    Something else, I run OMV 3 now with armbian from the SD card. My HDD I used before with OMV 2.x is unable to be mounted via OMV WebGui.

    I get the Error 6000
    Error #6000:exception 'OMVException' with message 'Failed to mount 'db8f7c0c-b1da-4da9-9ae3-e6aa74668032': mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2, missing codepage or helper program, or other error

    In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so.' in /usr/share/openmediavault/engined/module/

    However I can mount the partition without any errors via CLI.

    Hätte da noch einen anderen Vorschlag

    Mit find funktioniert das in einem Befehl ohne Pipes.

    find /yourdirectory/backup/mysql-backup -maxdepth 1 -mtime 3 -type f -delete

    maxdepth sorgt dafür dass nur in diesem Ordner gesucht wird
    mtime bezeichnet das alter der Dateien (hier 3 Tage alt)
    type bezeichnet das nur Dateien (f für files) ausgegeben werde und
    delete löscht die gefunden Dateien

    Du kannst das wunderbar ohne -delete erst mal testen, dann bekommst du einfach eine Liste der gefundenen Dateien zurück.
    Also so:
    find /yourdirectory/backup/mysql-backup -maxdepth 1 -mtime 3 -type f

    Da ich eh noch das bananian 15.08 am laufen habe werde ich das vorher mal testen.

    I think the reason might be that bananian 15.08 keeps SysVinit instead of systemd by default, when upgrading bananian. Even though there is the option to switch so systemd during the upgrade.
    I tried to change it afterwards now, but probably did something wrong...

    Hey all,
    I have a quick and maybe easy question:
    Is the OMV 3.x beta available for ARM devices like Banana or Raspberry PI?

    And if yes, where can I find it and is it possible to install it on top of a fresh Debian Jessie installation?
    I am aware of the early beta status!

    Thank you!

    EDIT: Everything went well on armbian for banana pi and this Install OMV3 on Cubox-i. Additionally I moved the OS to a HDD with nand-sata-install, a tool provided by armbian.

    I went through the installation wizard again using option 1 to automatically create the database. I wanted to see if I could choose another user instead of root but it’s not possible. For some reason the MySQL server plugin isn't allowing root user connections. I have set the root password in the plugin settings but this makes no difference if you can’t connect. Creating the databases manually seems to be the only option that works so far, unless someone knows of another way I haven’t found yet.

    At first, yes it's not it should be "localhost"

    You can, it defintely works :)
    -->use option 1. Here is how-to:

    Create a unprivileged user with home-directory, e.g. /srv/seafile
    useradd -m -d /srv/seafile -s /bin/false seafile

    Even before installing seafile you change to the "seafile" user, to install and configure everything with his permissions
    su - seafile -s /bin/bash

    Install python and seafile as you said, but with the seafile user.

    Then you setup seafile for mysql:


    For your HTTPS problem, please send your seafile config files (ccnet.conf,, seafile.conf)

    I actually I got most of my advice from this website (it's german though, I don't know if you can speak german :D )