Beiträge von Breeze

    Hello, first build with OMV, everything going well, Have 4 3tb drives in Raid 5, at the point where i have created my users added the permission, created some shared folders, but can not log in to any of the folders. Getting Open folder error, Access denied don't have permissions, even on my own folder. Multiply connections to servers shared resource not allowed etc.. etc.. I am the only one on the system on one PC, I have rebooted and still get the same error. Tried to delete the shared folders but Delete is not available as folder is in use ..
    I am at the point where I am going to remove this OS and move on to something else...Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    HELP..First time using this and OMV, Recently build new server I initially created this with 3 3TB drives. Everything is good until; l I added a 4th 3TB drive to my Raid 5 set, Using the Gui I a Grew the Raid and then did the Volume re size and now the status is stuck at Clean Reshaping. and Not displaying the new size. still at 5.46 TB
    using ext4. did some thing go wrong?
    How long should this take and how can i get then Raid size to display?