OMV on ugreen systems

  • Hi

    if someone wants to get a nice HW for a reasonable price consider the UGREEN NAS systems.

    I bought a 6800Pro which gives 6 SATA and 3 NVMe slots.

    In one NVMe slot is the propretairy OS NVMe , which is "sealed" with a sticker.

    But now how to install the OMV.

    1) Make a bootable USB Stick. I used Rufus and DD mode.

    2) Powerdown the UGRENN NAS and unplug the power cable.

    3) Add a cheap NVMe drive to one of the slots, if you dont want to kill the UGOS. And avoid additional dismanteling work to reach the screw for the NVMe.

    (From now on it is assumed that the UGOS NVMe is still installed)

    4) Attach a Monitor and keyboard to the System.

    5) During boot press CTRL+F12. Which brings you to the boot menue

    6) Enter the BIOS.

    6) In the BIOS disable the watchdog, and disable boot for NVMe3 (which is the UGOS NVMe).

    7) Save and exit the BIOS.

    8) PRESS again CTRL+F12 and now select the USB stick for booting.

    Rest is like every other installation.

    Might be you need to go back into the bios once more and select the newly installed OMV NVMe.

    What do you get ?

    Depends on the System you bought.

    I have now a NAS with 12 cores, 64GB mem , 2x 10GB network interfaces and a lot of expansion slots.

  • tesme33

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