Beiträge von buscat

    Hi to all,
    I'm going crazy to preserve owner and permission on NFS share mounted on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server.

    This is the scenario:
    Folder "bak_email" created as shared folder on OMV (drwxrwx---)
    Exported "bak_mail" to Ubuntu (rw,no_root_squash,subtree_check,secure)

    I have mounted OMV Nfs share "bak_email" to /mnt/email_backup, on ubuntu.

    Now, I would like to rsync (-avz) /var/vmail/mydomain.tld/ to mounted share, preserving owner and permissions which are:

    drwx------ 18 vmail mail 4096 mar 30 15:46 mydomain.tld/

    but during transfer I got some errors (about chown) and owner becomes:

    drwxrws--- 18 nobody 4294967294 4096 mar 30 15:46 mydomain.tld/

    This is my OMV export file

    # /etc/exports: the access control list for filesystems which may be exported
    #               to NFS clients.  See exports(5).
    # NFSv4 - pseudo filesystem root

    How can I do to preserve owner and permission? Is there someone who can show me how to do? I'm new in OMV.
    Thanks in advance