Beiträge von lgr37

    Meanwhile I was abble to find out, which process has started parted every 5 minutes. It is an internal cron-job of webmin. :( I've installed it a year ago. I dont't know if my problem with the hard drives spinning up was caused by an update of webmin. Anyway. If you go to the webmin configuration and there to the entry "Hintergrund-Status Sammlung" / background status collection, then you will find the reason for all the stuff: "Sammelt Festplattentemperaturen?" / Collecting hard drive temperatures. Changing this to "no" and the drives keep in power safe mode.

    How did I found out, what process causes my troubles? I changend /sbin/parted to a little script:
    ps -f $PPID >> /var/log/partedcall.txt
    sleep 300

    The sleep command was useful to keep the process alive which was calling parted. With the parent process id I was able to get the calling process name:
    ps -p <ppid from partedcall.txt> -o comm=

    And here ends my story - finally. :)

    I totally agrre that's renaming parted is not the solution. But for a test if the hard drives stay spinned down, it was a good idea. Next thing is to find out, what process is calling parted over and over. And it is good to know, that it isn't a part of omv.
    When I've found out what is going on, I'll write it here.

    Well, I was digging a little bit deeper into the system and disabled temporarily the services collectd and monit. But this wasn't the clue.
    Then I read the great how to including test script in the following thread:
    My Guide to Debugging Disk Spin-ups

    So I have found, that "parted" was checking my devices over and over again. Unfortunately I was not able to discover which process was triggering parted. I've simply disabled the system tool via renaming it inside /sbin.

    I'm still curious, what's behind this process. So if anybody has an idea I'd be glad to read it here..

    Sorry, was during the weekend in Mainz. It seems I solved the problems I had with the following thread. Learned a lot how the configuration works:
    Error when openining notificaion and network pages

    And here is what I have done in the config.xml:
    1. To solve the problem with the user-page I got the following lines in the user-section and changed it
    <sshpubkeys></sshpubkeys> is correct
    <sshpubkey>|xxx</sshpubkey> is wrong.a
    For each user-entry there should be just one line sshpubkeys></sshpubkeys>

    2. I also got the problems in the above mentioned thread and deleted the first double entries of <proxy> and <dns>. And I deleted also the double entries of the UUID.

    So, my openmediavault is running again without any error messages popping up using the gui. :) Hope, the informations can help Endstille a little bit.

    I've never seen this. Fresh installs?

    Hi everyone,)
    time to register for this great forum. :) Well, it seems that endstille is not the only one. I naivly thougt, the 3.0.30 is stable enough to try a whole system-upgrade from wheezy to jessie and from 2.x to 3.0.30 using the upgrade-path from omv. And I was punished with a night work till 5 in the morning (besides other problems a missing file "/etc/nginx/snippets/fastcgi-php.conf"). :) Yes, I've read your warnings before that. :) Nevertheless omv is a great piece of software and I don't want to miss it.

    Back to the discussed problem. I am experiencing the same problem not seeing any users 'cause of the above mentioned stacktrace.
    I am also not able to load the main network page in the webgui without an error and therefore hostname and domain are empty. I don't know, if these errors are connected with each other. If not, I'll wait for an update or make another post here. Here is the stacktrace from opening the network page:

    Fehler #0:exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'Failed to index key 'uuid' of 'uuid.0' because it has no children.' in /usr/share/php/openmediavault/ trace:#0 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/config/ OMV\Dictionary->set('uuid.0', '920453a5-966d-4...')#1 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/config/ OMV\Config\ConfigObject->set('uuid.0', '920453a5-966d-4...', false)#2 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/config/ OMV\Config\ConfigObject->setFlatAssoc(Array, false, false)#3 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/config/ OMV\Config\ConfigObject->setAssoc(Array, false)#4 /usr/share/openmediavault/engined/rpc/ OMV\Config\Database->getByFilter('conf.service.ze...', Array, 1)#5 [internal function]: OMVRpcServiceZeroconf->get(Array, Array)#6 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)#7 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/ OMV\Rpc\ServiceAbstract->callMethod('get', Array, Array)#8 /usr/sbin/omv-engined(538): OMV\Rpc\Rpc::call('Zeroconf', 'get', Array, Array, 1)#9 {main}