Beiträge von bbm

    I'm sorry i think you have to test each one but W7 has it's own driver downloadable you shoult test all of them, or supply more info about it.

    Hi man I have an LDAP (openLDAP) and I'm in the same situation I have just tested the old suggested link and..... no connection for me.
    Before I have tested

    I have tested the connection to LDAP and it is

    - Browseable
    - Administrable

    I have tested with a lot of tool to be sure that all give the same result

    2)Ldap admin softerra
    3)Apache directory studio

    Now the connection param

    I have this structure under my LDAP and it can be explored anonymously or with password and edit option is enabled.

    -->cn= domain admins

    So for connection I have to put

    Port: 636
    Version: 3
    Base: dc=directory,dc=nh
    Username: uid=admin,ou=people,dc=directory,dc=nh
    Password: the admin password

    Under OMV i have also added

    ou=People and ou=Groups

    I Try it in a clean machine.

    I save and apply
    Go under user .... no user listed

    go under Logs

    Apr 19 17:09:40 openmediavault aster process (/etc/php/7.0/fpm/php-fpm.conf): nss_ldap: could not connect to any LDAP server as cn=ldapserviceu,dc=directory,dc=nh - Can't contact LDAP server
    Apr 19 17:09:40 openmediavault aster process (/etc/php/7.0/fpm/php-fpm.conf): nss_ldap: failed to bind to LDAP server ldaps:// Can't contact LDAP server
    Apr 19 17:09:40 openmediavault aster process (/etc/php/7.0/fpm/php-fpm.conf): nss_ldap: could not search LDAP server - Server is unavailable
    Apr 19 17:09:40 openmediavault aster process (/etc/php/7.0/fpm/php-fpm.conf): nss_ldap: could not connect to any LDAP server as cn=ldapserviceu,dc=directory,dc=nh - Can't contact LDAP server
    Apr 19 17:09:40 openmediavault aster process (/etc/php/7.0/fpm/php-fpm.conf): nss_ldap: failed to bind to LDAP server ldaps:// Can't contact LDAP server
    Apr 19 17:09:40 openmediavault aster process (/etc/php/7.0/fpm/php-fpm.conf): nss_ldap: could not search LDAP server - Server is unavaila

    So i'm stuck is there also a solution for ldap users

    Thanks for the 330 link i think redhat because it is one of the supported but I don't know i have Debian

    Ok the new version has to be installed under linux !!

    I suggest to install the 320 if you don't need the 340 specific features. (I don't know them)

    - Read realtime HW thermal alert again.
    - Change thermal alert's temp low limit to default value 0x81(-127).

    When updating the System BIOS from version A320 (or earlier) to version A330 (or later), the following system BIOS configuration settings will revert to their factory default values:

    • System time and date
    • Hard drive configuration
    • Boot device sequence
    • System passwords
    • Security setup

    Inside my USB I have this


    I'll look inside the 340 version.

    I suspect that could be a pain, so the suggestion to use a separate VM is useful. I'll try to prepare a specific OMV.


    I use the guide provided by @flvinny521

    OMV + Docker plugin media server (Plex, PlexPy, Ombi, Libresonic, NZBGet, ruTorrent, Sonarr, Radarr, Mylar, and more)

    What could be the right process to add a turnkey image. no docs.

    So I read no news.

    Useful things come here where is explained to inizialize

    OPTION 1 via interactive login this is what i have always done under linux

    CID=$(docker run -i -t -d turnkeylinux/core-13.0)
    CIP=$(docker inspect -format='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' $CID)
    docker logs $CID | grep "Random initial root password"
    ssh root@$CIP

    OTION 2 I don't understand this

    My purpose is:
    - run a lamp stack
    - if possible save config in a specific folder or have the possibility for a specific image save data in a specific folder.


    Still persist OMV 4.1.0

    I have 2 machine one is affected the other is not affected all begin when I activate SMART

    Can I help ?
    "pid": 30015,
    "running": false,
    "result": "",
    "error": {
    "code": 0,
    "message": "Failed to read file '\/tmp\/bgstatusVtZpUm' (size=0).",
    "trace": "OMV\\Exception: Failed to read file '\/tmp\/bgstatusVtZpUm' (size=0). in \/usr\/share\/php\/openmediavault\/json\/\nStack trace:\n#0 \/usr\/share\/php\/openmediavault\/json\/ OMV\\Json\\File->getContents()\n#1 \/usr\/share\/php\/openmediavault\/rpc\/ OMV\\Json\\File->read()\n#2 \/usr\/share\/php\/openmediavault\/rpc\/ OMV\\Rpc\\ServiceAbstract->updateBgProcStatus('\/tmp\/bgstatusVt...', 'outputfilename', '\/tmp\/bgoutputEp...')\n#3 \/usr\/share\/openmediavault\/engined\/rpc\/ OMV\\Rpc\\ServiceAbstract->execBgProc(Object(Closure), NULL, Object(Closure))\n#4 [internal function]: OMVRpcServiceFileSystemMgmt->create(Array, Array)\n#5 \/usr\/share\/php\/openmediavault\/rpc\/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)\n#6 \/usr\/share\/php\/openmediavault\/rpc\/ OMV\\Rpc\\ServiceAbstract->callMethod('create', Array, Array)\n#7 \/usr\/sbin\/omv-engined(536): OMV\\Rpc\\Rpc::call('FileSystemMgmt', 'create', Array, Array, 1)\n#8 {main}"


    My config is

    OMV 4 and docker (plex)
    Yesterday i poweredoff the machine for manteinence activity.

    At power on the machine lost my Docker downloads plex and plexpy. I lost also plex running image. Have I to check if it is runnig under the hood via command line (something gone wrong ) .

    Afte a reboot it's now OK......mmmmm strange.

    1) keep Daily and changed dir script->KO
    2) add a new script every day at specific time leaving script in /root/ ->ok (I cross my figer)

    What are the difference between Daily (with no time chose possibility) and setting every day??

    First of all I would try a different directory for script storage. I am not sure If the daily cron job can access a root directory. The admin user may have root rights. Therefore you can start the job from the WebUI successfully.Another reason could be your extension '.sh'. Some scripts are only executed it they have no extension.

    For testing purpose you could change the execution intervall to hourly or to a certain point of time.

    Ok I'll try your suggestions. News ASAP.

    My NAS is H24 active.

    I have created a SCRIPT at the end it should send emails, and write to log.

    I have added it in OMV> Scheduled Jobs >
    I have an entry ./root/ (the script is in /root/
    It is scheduled Daily

    If I run it with start button It work I get Email and the entry in syslog and it is executed.
    But it never start daily.

    Ok Perfect thanks
    I'll try and post my solution.

    In my OMV I have n shares (share1;share2; share3 )take for example share1 it is r/w with user1;user2 and r for user3 and forbidden for user4

    I need to change user password monthly for all user that is related to a network share

    My idea is to
    1) chage manually on all user that has a share
    2) create a script that mail them that they have only 5 days to change password
    3) lock account past 10 days without change the password

    Is this a good idea or it can be accomplished in a better ways

    If this is a good idea
    1) is simple
    2) what are the rule to write the script and run it via cron or anacron and send emails without fight with OMV mailer.
    2b)The idea is to point the user to standard OMV login so he/she can change the password by themself.
    3)If locked only root can unlock it

    Little step... I have rewrite form zero the /etc/network/interfaces now on boot all cards are UP ip is assigned via DHCP.
    OMV web interface is still out of sync