Beiträge von Zydrius


    It still working update OMV 2,1 ?
    I has install OMV 2,1 ant try update or install plugins, I get error mesage.

    Reading package lists...
    Building dependency tree...
    >>> *************** Error ***************
    Failed to execute command 'export LANG=C; export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; apt-get --yes --force-yes --fix-missing --auto-remove --allow-unauthenticated --show-upgraded --option DPkg::Options::="--force-confold" install amd64-microcode 2>&1': Reading package lists...

    Building dependency tree...

    Reading state information...

    The following packages will be upgraded:
    1 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 80 not upgraded.
    Need to get 28.7 kB of archives.
    After this operation, 53.2 kB disk space will be freed.
    WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
    Authentication warning overridden.
    Err wheezy/non-free amd64-microcode amd64 1.20160316.1
    Something wicked happened resolving '' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
    Failed to fetch…de_1.20160316.1_amd64.deb Something wicked happened resolving '' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
    E: Internal Error, ordering was unable to handle the media swap
    <<< *************************************

    Any can help?

    Oh okey, thanks for answer.

    Witch the better Mirror or Raid 10 choose create pool? Because I want to create disk that the same info duplicate in to two disk.
    If I created 4 disk for 160 gb, I have 320gb in Mirror or Raid 10 and one disk will die and I change the disk, it is working good or broke the entire pool? And Open Media Vault shows witch disk is bad?


    I have 4 IDE HDD 160 gb and 2 SATA HDD 80gb, i try create raid 10 or mirror disk, but then I select all disk, my crieated disk size shows 80 gb, how to do my disk have 160+160+80=400 gb?

    And if I later change 2 sata HDD 80, to 2 sata HDD 250 gb it change easy or its need remove raid disk and create for new raid disk?