Beiträge von erox

    Hi there guys.
    I am following this threat since 10 days.
    At this point my HP 5740 has arrived and i figured out a lot to do with, whenn its that nice working as i tought.

    My trouble is, that i have correctly replaced the 4gb flash by a 160gb Samsung harddrive.
    The drive is getting power and is running well.

    But the problem is that Bios, i could not get a newer bios as the official latest 40HV0104.rom.

    Do anyone knows how to fix this, or another cheap way to get more spaced working harddrive on this system.

    Kindly thanks in forward for your answers.

    UPDATE !

    I dont know what happened, but after a 2nd try i left post and wanted to try install windows7 tiny in hope that windows regonize that harddrive.
    in that way the machine started, in post process the system regonized my harddrive.

    As i told before, first i rushed to bios to setup harddrive, but it doesnt detect it, and freezed a while? Hmmm?