Beiträge von NothingNowhere

    OMV is based on Debian, while Batocera is based on a different linux distro, so I'm fairly sure that won't work.

    Retropie uses Debian but an older version than OMV now, and looking at other threads on this forum, it's not recommended.

    You probably need a separate device, or put Batocera on a different SD card and boot from that when you want to play. (only workable if you don't mind shutting your OMV down for a while!).

    Just ordered a kit from Pimoroni in the UK. PCIe will be very nice to have.

    I see the case comes with a fan - I've always liked the silence of the RPi models so far and have a passive heatsink on my RPi 4, so hope that will be an option at some point with the RPi 5

    I've had the same problem on my Odroid HC2, I fixed it by downgrading the docker-ce and docker-ce-cli packages, then restarting the docker service:

    sudo apt install docker-ce-cli=5:20.10.23~3-0~debian-bullseye
    sudo apt install docker-ce=5:20.10.23~3-0~debian-bullseye
    sudo service docker restart

    Hello, I upgraded my amd64 box from 5 to 6, has some initial problems which I solved with info from other threads.

    All seems OK now except the mergerfs pool is not mounting, and all my shares are under the pooled device (which was made with unionfs in OMV5)

    Clicking on the webui File systems tab gives "500 - OK Couldn't extract an UUID from the provided path '/srv/a0452481-9b91-4372-898c-818f8186830e'."

    All disks present and correct, accessible in the shell via /srv/disk/dev-disk-by-label-xxxxxx which haven't changed. The unionfs poll was mounted at /srv/a0452481-9b91-4372-898c-818f8186830e which is now empty.

    Mergerfs tab in the webui still lists drives correctly. omv-showkey mergerfs returns ...

    I can see there are a few threads on this issue but I'm not sure how to proceed. Any advice welcome!

    Hi all, I managed to fix the following problem with apt install -f but thought I'd report here...

    I installed Armbian on my Odroid HC2, did apt update and updgrade, then started the OMV6 install using wget -O - | sudo bash

    All went OK until the end, when there was an error (systemctl preset failed on systemd-networkd.service) which prevented setup of the openmediavault (6.0.46-1) package (no errors before this):

    I ran apt install -f and it seems to have resolved it, system works fine as far as I can tell.

    NOTE: THIS IS ONLY USEFUL if you are using an image later than 2022-01-28-raspios-bullseye-arm64-lite (as pointed out by ryecoaaron below)

    The wiki page at…omv6:raspberry_pi_install is correct but as it says you must use an old image 2022-01-28-raspios-bullseye-arm64-lite. Not a problem really as apt update and upgrade doesn't take long. I just missed the bit about using that specific image.

    The following might be useful if using a latest image for Raspberry Pi OS. It removes the need for the section called 'Enabling Raspberry PI OS's SSH Server for Remote Access' (i.e. creating a file called 'ssh' before boot).

    Since 2022-04-04, Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian) Bullseye no longer comes with the default credentials of user:pi and password:raspberry (as explained in this blog post). New installations must be set up with a username and password of your choice.

    Probably the easiest way to do this is with Raspberry Pi Imager (though other options are outlined in the above linked blog post).

    1. Download and install the imager from

    2. Launch the app and click 'CHOOSE OS', then scroll to the bottom for 'Use custom (Select a custom .img from your computer)', Then choose your downloaded and verified image file.

    3. Click on 'CHOOSE STORAGE' and select your target SD card.

    4. Click on the cog icon to access 'advanced options'. Tick the 'Enable SSH' box and leave the radio button 'Use password authentication' enabled.

    5. Tick the 'Set username and password' box and set a name and password for your SSH user. Be careful with the password entry as there is no confirmation of whatever you type.

    6. There are other options (e.g. for hostname, WiFi and locale) in this 'advanced options' section you may wish to configure. Once happy with your options, click 'Save', then 'Write'. Raspberry Pi Imager will automatically verify after writing.

    Hello! I've recently upgraded to OMV6 and I wonder if it's possible to disable the login screen's background animation as it gives me vertigo.

    Thank you for your help.

    I tried OMV6 for the first time last night (have used many older versions) and found the animation unpleasantly disorientating - vertigo, as you say.

    I'd possibly consider it an accessibility issue, but either way it would be good to have a webui option to disable the animation.

    sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/openmediavault.triggers /var/lib/dpkg/info/openmediavault.triggers_backup

    Great, this worked for me with OMV 5 on my Odroid HC2. Thank you.

    I didn't need to reboot, I did sudo service openmediavault-engined restart then a force reload in my browser (ctrl-shift-R in chrome)