Beiträge von NothingNowhere

    Thanks for the reply!


    The userme is trying to write to rootfs folder /backupfolder

    Sorry, that was an oversimplification on my part. The target part is more like userme@targetip:/srv/123456789etc/backupfolder - and permissions are OK for userme

    SSH works fine, I'm using putty regularly with pka on all my OMV boxes.

    What I'm trying to do is allow unattended rsyncs by using a new key without a password, e.g. using this guide.

    I created a new keypair on BoxA and added the new pubkey to userme on BoxB via the GUI, but I get the same result as above.

    Should I create a new 'rsync' user with their own key so the target part is userrsync@targetip:/srv/123456789etc/backupfolder
    and then adjust permissions accordingly?

    Thanks again.

    Hello all, can anyone help an rsync newbie?

    I have two OMV machines (call them BoxA and BoxB), both on my home network.

    I need to rsync one folder from BoxA to BoxB using the command line, because I want to rsync only items from the last X days:

    find . -mtime -X -print0 | rsync -0v --files-from=- BoxA/sourcefolder/ userme@BoxB/backupfolder/

    I've generated a new ssh key pair (without a password) on BoxA with ssh-keygen, then put the contents of the public key file in userme/.ssh/authoried_keys on BoxB

    Then on BoxA, from ssh as [username] I tried:

    rsync -aP --dry-run sourcefolder/ userme@BoxB:/backupfolder/

    But I got this error:

    Permission denied (publickey).
    rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]
    rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(226) [sender=3.1.1]

    Any pointers welcome!

    Hello all,

    I have an OdroidC2 which has been running OMV3 happily for months. Now it won't boot at all.

    I plugged the HDMI into the TV - nothing. However, it's fine with a fresh OMV install on another micro SD card. So the C2 itself is fine.

    So what can I try to see if I can resurrect the old installation? gparted suggests the partitions are OK. No problems at all until today.


    Hello all,

    I have OMV on a Raspberry Pi 3 which is always on (box A).

    I also have OMV on a HP microserver which is sometimes on (box B).

    Both are on my home network. I'd like a few folders on box A to be automatically backed up to box B, whenever box B is turned on.

    I thought Syncthing would suit but I don't want deletions replicated from A to B.

    What would be my options for this task?

    Thanks for your time.

    Hello all,

    I'm hearing a slight click from my brand new 5TB external USB, only running for a week or so.

    I checked the SMART logs in OMV and see this:

    ( for ease of reading, [snip] means odroidc2 smartd[26764]: Device: /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST5000DM003 [SAT] )

    Should I be alarmed? I'm not sure how to interpret SMART errors.

    I don't think there are any syncthing arm64 packages anyway.

    Seems there are, I've installed it now and all fine.

    First I followed this to add their stable channel:

    Then this, to get it to run on boot:…-syncthing-on-debian-boot

    Then I couldn't get to the webui until I edited the syncthing config.xml to set the GUI address to
    nano ~/.config/syncthing/config.xml

    I'm belatedly following up on this. I ended up installing Docker, then running Deluge within that.

    It's been running a few days, seems OK.

    I reinstalled using the armbian image OMV_3_0_71_Odroidc2_3.14.79 from sourceforge.

    Once the standard OMV stuff was set up, I SSH'd in as user, installed Docker from here:

    Following the readme on that page, I couldn't get the install script to run with sudo ./ but it worked with sudo bash

    Then as suggested, reboot and add user to the docker group.

    Then to set up Deluge on Docker, I used this:

    I left out the UMASK_SET and used the user account I'd made as above (I'm not sure if there is an advantage to making a specific user for deluge as I'm a linux noob).

    Then I ran docker start deluge and could log in to the Deluge webui.

    Only problem then was that the download folder (within the Deluge webui config) had a capital D by default for some reason, which gave errors when testing a torrent. Once I set it to match the actual folder (i.e. all lowercase) we were done!

    Hello all,

    I'm running OMV 3.0.74 on odroid C2, which is ARM64.

    Trying to install the deluge plugin from OMV extras, I get:

    If I try to install any dependencies listed from a shell, I get the same problem.

    The apt clean button doesn't seem to help here.

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks, uninstall seems to have addressed that problem, but now apt-get gives me this error:

    W: Failed to fetch  Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-arm64/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)

    omv-extras (testing and stable) and sync are the only enabled repos in the OMV-Extras section.

    Hello all,

    I've recently got an odroid c2 and have got things up and running, nearly...

    I'm getting this while checking plugins for updates:

    All other updates and upgrades seem to have worked fine, this seems to just relate to plugins.

    How can I fix this?

    Great, thank you. I'll report back once I've had a crack at this.


    Yes, seems to be fine.

    I had SysRescueCD on a USB stick so used gparted on that to edit the partitions:
    shrank the system partition to ~100GB, made a ~2.1TB partition for parity data and another for temporary space using the remainder.