Beiträge von elsmandino

    Thanks very much for the response - I am running OMV on a Beelink Mini S12 Pro.

    root@blserver:~# date
    Mon 17 Jun 19:52:09 BST 2024
    root@blserver:~# docker exec homeassistant date
    Mon Jun 17 19:52:18 BST 2024
    root@blserver:~# docker exec tvheadend date
    Mon Jun 17 19:52:28 BST 2024

    Interesting - I typed this in at 20:01. So my system, itself, is 9 minutes behind the actual time?

    Unfortunately, I am still having the same issue.

    TVHeadend seems to think that it is about 10 minutes earlier than it is - i.e. I set a reminder to record at 18:00 but it only starts recording at about 18:07 or 18:08.

    Could the fact I am still using Portainer be the issue, especially given that I am using version 2.18.2 and the current version is 2.19.5?

    As portainer is it self a container, I cannot work out how to update it.

    Morning all.

    I am currently running TVHeadend and HomeAssistant as docker containers but have noticed that the Dockers seem to have a different time to the main system.

    As such, TVHeadend has started to miss the beginning of recordings.

    When I turn a light on, in HomeAssistant, the log on my phone says that it happened 7 minutes ago (not literally just now).

    Any advice on working out what the problem is would be very much appreciated.

    Hi there.

    I use TVHeadend to record TV Shows to a folder that is automatically scraped into Kodi by Jellyfin.

    I have an issue, however.

    When the episode is new, the folder is named with "New" in the title and this confuses Jellyfin.

    Is there any way to automatically remove the phrase "New:" from the beginning of any folder in my TV Shows folder?

    Also, because of the way that Jellyfin removes recordings, I often end up with empty folders. Is there any way to also automatically remove any empty folders from my TV Series folder as well?

    Thanks very much.

    Thanks chente.

    I am going to give Wireguard a go - the guide looks fantastically simply to set up.

    I am bit nervous exposing my server to the internet - are there any precautions to take, before installing the Wireguard plugin?

    For instance, should I remove all my NFS shares and rely solely on SMB, given that there is the ability to password protect?

    Hi there.

    I would be grateful for a bit of advice on tweaking my current system.

    I am running OMV6 on my home server with a number of dockers on it - PiHole, TVHeadend, Jellyfin, Home Assistant etc.

    Until fairly recently, I had no remote access to the server but I decided to try and get the Home Assistant app on my phone working when I disconnected from my home network.

    I followed this guide:

    Externer Inhalt
    Inhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.
    Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.

    and managed to get things working - I had to adapt things slightly, as I used the docker version of Cloudflare, but everything was working fine.

    However, everything suddenly stopped working - it turns out that the fee domain name that I set up (via the recommended Freenom site) is no longer active and Freenom domains are no longer usable with Clodflare in any event.

    What are my options, now:

    1. Buy a cheap domain name and continue to use Cloudflare?

    2. Have a go with another method, like Wireguard, for instance?

    Another thing that has occurred to me is that, in addition to Home Assistant, I might like to have access to the entirety of my server, remotely - e.g. the ability to schedule on TVHeadend, access to my home storage. Would this have a bearing on what method I choose?

    Hi there.

    I recently managed to recover most of the files from a hard drive that I recently wiped.

    However, I now have another hard drive that is full of duplicates and I need to try and get rid of those and put everything back in its original state.

    The HDD is formatted as ext4 but is being shared to my network via Samba.

    I am running Dupeguru on a Windows laptop.

    One option, in particular, is causing me some issues. Do I want to enable the option for "Ignore duplicates hardlinking to the same file"?

    The reason I ask is that, before I wiped the hard drive, I had some RSnapshot backups on the disk, which I understand uses hardlinking to save space.

    Any advice on what this option really does, and whether I should use it, would be very much appreciated.

    Hi there.

    I am currently dealing with recovering some, hopefully, backed up files that I seem to have used Rsync with in the past.

    I have a folder called "Photos" and in it are three folders - daily.0, daily.1, daily.2.

    The three folders seem to have difference contents.

    How do I go about dragging the files out to a brand new "Photos" folder without messing up anything?

    Further to the below, I have accepted that whatever is on the HDD is probably gone and that it just isn't worth it, financially, to try and recover anything - i.e. I am going to have a go, myself, and see what I can get back (if anything).

    I let Testdisk do its thing and got the following two screens:

    Any further advice, on what to do now, would be much appreciated.

    I had a photographer friend need files recovered. photorec ran for almost a week.

    That is mad.

    I bet the anticipation was unbearable!

    At least I can now come to terms with the fact that I have majorly messed up and to set up a decent backup plan as soon I know the damage.

    Slightly ironically, the only reason I messed about with the harddrive was to use it as a backup in the first place - very irritating.

    You failed to mention that before... Did the drive completely erase?.. At the very least I'm assuming the filesystem got wrecked.

    Assuming the filesystem was ext2/3/4... have you looked at extundelete? I'v enever used iit but I've saw it recommended here a few times.

    Sorry - should have clarified.

    The disk did not fully erase.

    It start initiating and I immediately pulled the plug as fast I could.

    The disk is 14TB in size and whilst I had 12TB used up, most of this is recordings - only about 1TB is valuable to me.

    I am hoping that the 1TB part is still salvageable.

    What do you think I should do?

    I have been running Testdisk and it is taking absolutely ages, given the size of the disk (only 2% after a couple of hours).

    Should I let it do its thing or cancel it and use one of the other options mentioned above?

    Thanks everyone.

    What I did was pretty stupid.

    I took my hard drive out of a OMV server and tried to mount it to another OMV server but pressed initialise instead of mount.

    It started to wipe the hard drive and it took me a good six seconds before I was able to turn off the caddy.

    I am currently having a go with Testdisk - am just running analyse on the disk to see what it comes up with.