Posts by exyu74

    9. Once OMV is installed with the installer, you access the web interface from a web browser on another machine. There is no need to use the command line.

    ...I admit that i mostly time more complicated than it needs to be.

    There is something to add on your instructions.

    When OMV is installed...

    Using grub/boot on ssd/Omv(sata5) is just one part of sollution.OMV can be used at this stage(add hdd`s) but it`s not a finall sollution.

    If HP gen8 come without electricity(for what so ever reason) there is needed:

    Disconnecting all hard drives(from front otherwise it will not bootup).
    Before bootup is needed to connecting monitor and keyboard for any case.All this becouse of HP architecture.

    To make completed therefor is needed to copy a GRUB from ssd/hdd to sd/usb and in the bios make bootup from sd/usb.

    On the and i may say: "Vaya con Dios" to monitor and keyboard.

    I did made it, but it was adventure with a trauma to never forget !!!

    Thought, you are searching for an internal way to exchange files? Otherwise you can connect the usb drive to another PC, create a share on this PC. Then you can connect from OMV via "remotemount plugin" and mount the drive. Then go on with 'open SSH shell' from answer no 1.

    Copying files from my laptom to HP Gen8 via AFP,/SMB is no problem at all.
    My question would rather be:

    Is it possible to make ext.usb ssd visible directly connected on HP Gen8 via afp/smb on laptom file explorer?
    (like when i press OMV in file in file explorer,i see there shered maps but also mounted ext.usb ssd)

    I hope this make more sense to understand my desire?!

    Ps.I`m looking any possible way but i prefer GUI way!


    Pffffff i made IT !!!!!

    Still, i don`t feel satisfaction rather beaten to death.

    The link u have provided did worked ONLY after THIS manual(for future novices/beginners):

    LSBLK - great command to find out a name of your SD-USB stick(4 beginners).

    Also MUST be NOTED that a SD or USB stick IF is in Dos{MBR} (in my case after option "p" stud among other info) must HAVE "BOOT" flag(this is what i add after all thing i have done and seeing not working - finaly on boot up of HP Gen 8 did manage sd->ssd+hdd).
    If is it in GPT or whatever the name is for linux....there is no need to set up a BOOT flag(i presume & not willing to check it out).

    Now,i have the last of the last of us the question:

    Is the SD card "pure reading device" who is sending booting grub to ssd?
    Is there ANY i/o , read of course & write on SD communicateing with SSD?

    This is because of reading on internet about durability of SD card against USB stick.
    At this moment i would rather stick with SD,but if is it necessary i may load up my guts in not so distant time to make exchange.


    Hi guy`s me again!

    There is something wrong?
    I have been watching install of OMV3(via virtual machine) on youtube.
    And during installation where a moment on screen with asking "where to install a Grub"(in my case should be an usb stick or micro sd card)?

    But during my install i did not encouter that screen?!

    Did i do anything wrong or "that screen" is only for virtual machine`s enviroment?

    Hello evrybody,

    Let me tell u first my aim with HP Gen8.It wil be used as a SIMPLY DLNA streaming NAS.
    With a hard drives in a JBOD/Linear mode.The reason here for is that i have one 4Tb HDD and as he get full of data than another HDD shall be add...and so on.
    Now, on forum i found there is an plugin called "AUFS or Mhddfs 32bit" who merge different format HDD`s in one POOL(still i don`t know is this only 4 HDDs at once or is it possible for my sollution 1HDD at momment ? ).

    At this momment i`m trying for several weeks to make grub boting up from usb on OMV2.

    And there is OMV3 beta who should resolve my (novice problems with a CLI) problem with a GRUB and boot up from usb(+ODD).

    My question would be about OMV 3 :

    Is OMV3 "enough" stable to be used as a simply streaming dlna nas in your opinion ?

    And is there an AUFS plugin in 64bit version?

    i`m login as as a " root@openmediavault"~# "

    and i found inet aderss of Hp gen8.

    As far as i understand now i should install "boot" on a usb stick?!

    Please help!

    I came with install till the screen where i need to type OMV login:admin ; Pass. "openmediavault".
    But i get warrning that a pass is wrong.

    What now?

    Where is the problem ?

    OK. Barney eh ehm Nibb31!!!

    After many try`s & fails i did succeeded to install OMV(usb stick with mount image on front pannel of HPE on SSD/usb enclouser on inner/motherboard USB port.OMV sow nicely both device`s. All installation went without a hick up.

    The last one i can`t get ON!!!

    Where exectly in the BIOS is inner/motherboard USB port? Under which description?
    When u say BIOS,you mean F9-Setup?

    There ARE 2 main options that i don`t know how to set up:

    Standard boot order (IPL)
    System Options -> USB Options -> Removable Flash Media Boot Sequence -> 3 options

    Any idea`s?


    New idea`s new front`s to explore....(i know,i`m stubborn as HELL)!!!

    ODD is in place...let see if i`m lucky enough?!

    OK. Barney eh ehm Nibb31!!!

    After many try`s & fails i did succeeded to install OMV(usb stick with mount image on front pannel of HPE on SSD/usb enclouser on inner/motherboard USB port.OMV sow nicely both device`s. All installation went without a hick up.

    The last one i can`t get ON!!!

    Where exectly in the BIOS is inner/motherboard USB port? Under which description?
    When u say BIOS,you mean F9-Setup?

    There ARE 2 main options that i don`t know how to set up:

    Standard boot order (IPL)
    System Options -> USB Options -> Removable Flash Media Boot Sequence -> 3 options

    Any idea`s?

    OK. Barney eh ehm Nibb31!!!

    After many try`s & fails i did succeeded to install OMV(usb stick with mount image on front pannel of HPE on SSD/usb enclouser on inner/motherboard USB port.OMV sow nicely both device`s. All installation went without a hick up.

    The last one i can`t get ON!!!

    Where exectly in the BIOS is inner/motherboard USB port? Under which description?
    When u say BIOS,you mean F9-Setup?

    There ARE 2 main options that i don`t know how to set up:

    Standard boot order (IPL)
    System Options -> USB Options -> Removable Flash Media Boot Sequence -> 3 options

    Any idea`s?

    About putting OMV on internal USB port:

    Mr.Spy as the many others do not reccomend this sollution becouse of architecture of the usb stick(i supose)!

    1.Shall situation change`s if i put usb enclouser with a ssd on internal usb port?
    I readed(on the net) that someone has done just that.

    And if is OK. with u, how should be intalled:

    2.From micro SD on USB(SSD)?

    3.Or make two partitions on SSD,first for OMV image(4gb) and the rest for the install?

    3. You should be able to simply mount SATA drives. Do not use the built-in HP RAID options.

    3. BIOS of HPE dont need to choose any option about HDD`s? And what is second option beside of "built-in HP RAID option"?

    1. I don't understand what DHCP has to do with drives. You sound a bit confused.

    4. Regime ?

    1.Has 2 to do with a question 3 from top quote. Is in OMV, `JBOD possible or not?

    4. "Regime" in my language has few meannings...but this time i ment which setup/option(for example on youtube someone odd ssd has setup under raid0)? That is my question.

    1.I will be using DHCP (in place of HPE raid controler), shall this give me an option in OMV to set up raid as a JBOD?

    2. In this thread someone said that vent turn harder than when goes via HPE controler, is the noice a bit higher or much much more higher(hopefully not as a fan of PS3)?

    3.Kan i begin with only one nas hdd(or is it needed two of them?)?

    4.I`m going with a advise of putting an SSD on ODD.The question is: under which regime is needed to be?

    1. Yes i know. And yes, HP/OMV will be used as a MEDIA server(DLNA). I`m using Samsung HDtv(is poor with subtitles options) as a Medi8er MED600X3D media player.

    2. Where do i install first omv-flashmemory plugin?

    3. HP server support only RAID:0,1 & 10. Unfortunately there is no JBOD.

    6. Yes, the fan! That question was sommething in mind with future modd of cpu fan...but now nevermind.

    7. U mean, after pluging in usb stick into HP and powering up a HP,comes an option usb stick,boot PC with usb stick..... ?

    9. Yes i know that ;-)) I`m asking about before getting into OMV software?

    Hello evrybody,

    Tnx for this great thread! There is a lot of posts 2 learn about but as someone said its a true jungle with a result of eye`s jumping out of skull!
    As a future user of a HP Gen8 server and OMV(before i buy any of it),first i have a bucket list 2 be certain of a project.

    My main goal is 2 have this hardware and software as a machine for backing up the I-net, in common language known as a movie storage. ;)

    Lets begin from beginning:

    1. What is minimum required CPU & amount of RAM to watch a FULL HD(max.1080p. / not interested into 4K.) movie on smartTV(all connected via UTP) & on tablet @ the same time(but without any glitching along the way)(this use of server is my primary goal)?

    1a. Is there a difference in strength of a CPU / is it needed to get more powerfull CPU to get reproduction on:
    smartTV,tablet,laptop and PS3 at the same time?Is this thou achievable(just an info question)?

    2. Personaly i am intrested only into SDcard/USBstick solution on mother board(but if jou think for the best quality is GRUB-ODD is needed, i will consider that option).I`m aware of slow bus write speed of SD/USB,so at beginning i`m gonna install OMV their updats and a few extensions.And HP firmware/updates if needed.
    Is this possible?
    I`m asking this because there where talking about slow speed of it.Ones its done and it works as it should,
    i have no plans to update future updates(install and leave it, kind of setup).

    2a.And during the reproduction on tv,are there any writes on SD/USB?

    2b.Which version of bus on m.borard for SD/USB is(v.1,v.2,v.3)?
    This should me help with choosing right model( €€? ).

    2c.Sd card or USB stick(is there any difference(i/o speed)?)?

    2d. Is it needed to make partition on these devices?
    And how large they need to be(Mb/Gb)?
    There where mention of 128MB and formatting into FAT format,Only or Not?

    3. My HDD setup will be Raid0(all 4 slots at the and,first will began with 2 of them).
    Is there a difference between a NAS HDD on 5400 and 7200 rpm for video reproduction?

    3.a Is it possible combining of one brand and speed in one bank(slot 1&2) and another kind of brand and speed in another bank(slot 3&4)?
    Or all 4 slots need to be the same kind of brand and speed?

    3.b In white papers of HP server stands that each slot supports maximum Nas HDD of 4TB.
    As far as i remember Mr.Spy said,that with a firmware update is possible to upgrade to bigger HDD volume.
    If this true is(lack of remember it),
    can somebody tell the name/version of that firmware where begin larger compability?
    Or is it needed just to update to the latest version?

    4.For installation of OMV on HP server,is it necessary to have a monitor(keyboard,mouse)
    or hdtv to install it or is it possible to do it via extern device such as laptop(Mac-Win)?

    5.For backup of HP server i shall use the present Nas Sinology DS215j(2 slots,with 8TB each)
    (DS215j would be ON only in case backup) .
    I suppose,via OMV software shall be no problems of connecting with these two with eachother(straight via UTP or via router)?
    Whether u have experience with combining 2 different NAS devices?

    6. Cooling vents from behind,are they always ON,or they switch ON/OFF as it needed is?

    7. Do you have a link to step by step of installing of it in form of text,foots and video`s?
    On youtube is only installing via virtual machine.

    8. On the site for downloading image of OMV,are severals versions of OMV.
    Who`s version do i need to choose for HP server?

    9.And the last one (finaly) for installing OMV and setting up,is there any work needed with a terminal?
    And how much of it? Or is just GUI way?

    I would fully appreciate if u answer by number`s!!!
    And if i do not correctly ask or there is any misunderstanding about the question,let me know!

    One`s again TNX !!!