Beiträge von foax


    On a OMV machine with some 5yo xeon and Raid5 over 11 disks, OMV sends"high loadavg" notfications when I start copying stuff to the iscsi target. Also, the write speed drops from (an unrealistic) 300mb/s to 50mb/s after ca. 30s. (1g Link)
    When I want to edit the LUN settings from write-through to write-back, I get this error message:

    sorry, had other things to do...

    the "script" is just

    nohup ./gatling/gatling -S -p 8080 -u nobody -c /media/c805dea0-2b6d-4567-90b0-953c27be391a/foldername -P2M -f -p 2121 -a&

    it starts the executable with a few parameters such as port numbers, the executing user and the path to be shared.
    more about gatling:


    just put a (to start an alternate webserver - gatling - besides the omv apache) into /etc/init.d/

    update-rc.d defaults

    i got

    which in general says i'm not experienced with linux at all, just copying commands from all over the internet and being overwhelmed when it actually works :)

    can anyone help?

    another problem with fs/mount points

    - raid5 on 5 disks, one single mount point using whole md0
    - wanted to test iscsi -> unmounting mountpoint not possible
    - unmounted mount point manually, shrinked md0 with e2fsck and ext2resize
    - webgui: filesystems: create mount point -> not possible, no volume to choose from

    Zitat von "SerErris"

    But something is not very useful:
    Forcing the kernel to release all buffer caches, so that the memory is nice and green and empty ... :?

    (first post here)
    i use omv just as a "data grave" where i put up stuff from time to time, therefore quick answer times are not as important as in a business server environment. i recognize higher power consumption of my nas (former desktop pc with 5 old hdds in raid5, 2gb ram) after i moved some data to omv, compared to the "empty" state of the ram just after booting - also after spindown. is there a way to carefully clean up the ram after a certain time?