Beiträge von Karhu

    I solved the problem.

    Removed the sdb to sde from the backplane and wiped them outside complety once again. Wiped sda and installed OMV again. Then added the four drives back to the backplane and now I was able to create the two different RAIDs and the different file systems.

    I believe that on one of the drives was chunk of wrong informations that caused the problem.


    I have a NAS with five harddrives, sda for the OS, sdb and sbc together as md0 (RAID 1). I created a second RAID 1 with sdd and sde but I can not create a file system on it because OMV itself created a file system md1 (also called FileDrive1 like md0). I can not delete or mount it in the Web GUI.

    device fs_type label mount point
    /dev/sda1 ext4 /
    /dev/sda5 swap <swap>

    /dev/sdb linux_raid_member fjordland:FileDrive1 (in use)
    /dev/sdc linux_raid_member fjordland:FileDrive1 (in use)
    /dev/md0 ext4 FileDrive1 /srv/dev-disk-by-label-FileDrive1

    /dev/sdd linux_raid_member fjordland:BackupDrive1 (in use)
    /dev/sde linux_raid_member fjordland:BackupDrive1 (in use)
    /dev/md1 ext4 FileDrive1 (not mounted)

    I wiped sdd and sde and created the RAID again. I removed them (physically) from the NAS and added them.

    Any ideas how to solve my problem?




    I am new to OMV, just sold my Synology NAS and build my own one. So I did a clean install of OMV 3.0.80 but instead of having fun with my new system I am encountering a lot of errors.

    if click for example on:

    - System -> Network to change my IP from DHCP to static is says "The value is not an object" and if I then try to change my IP it says
    - System ->General Settings -> Change Session timeout to a different value:

    - Access Rights Management -> User -> Add User, the following error occurs:
    - even if I try to reboot or shutdown the system:

    There are a lot more errors and they all occur if I try to change something in the WebGUI.

    If it is important for I am using the following Hardware:
    Intel Pentium G4560T CPU
    Gigabyte B250MM-D2V Motherboard
    Crucial 8GB DDR4 2400 RAM
    Crucial MX300 SSD on /dev/sda/ for the system

    I hope you can help me


    BTW: If I use OMV 2.x on my hardware everything works fine...