Beiträge von MagicVie

    Awesome! Thanks a lot samsquanch - this solved the issue. Update now successful.

    also thanks to everyone else for the help..!

    - set to resolved.

    As a workaround, create a file called /lib/systemd/system/ntp.service and enter the following:

    Do your update:

    sudo apt upgrade

    Then just remove the file again:

    sudo rm /lib/systemd/system/ntp.service

    Hi all!
    I updated my OMV installation on an rpi3 yesterday through the web GUI. It gave me a few error messages (that is just *** ERROR ***, no info on it). After that, I could no longer access the WebGUI. At first, even the Login Page was blank (just the blue background). After running omv-firstaid and setting the WebGUI port to 80 the login page would load again, but after logging in, the WebGUI displays just a blank page with the OMV logo to the top left.

    OMV itself is running and I can access all my drives through smb, but no WebGUI.

    I tried to reinstall OMV apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade && omv-update which ultimately gives me an error upon updating the configuration
    /usr/bin/deb-systemd-helper: error: unable to read ntp.service. Consequently openmediavault fails to configure

    /usr/bin/deb-systemd-helper: error: unable to read ntp.service
    dpkg: error processing package openmediavault (--configure):
    subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1

    and thus openmediavault-extrasorg, openmediavault-backup, openmediavault-clamav, openmediavault-nginx, openmediavault-resetperms and openmediavault-rsnapshot fails to configure due to unmet dependencies.

    the ntp service is running, restarting it didnt fix the issue.

    So as far as I understand it, the WegGUI doesn't work because nginx isn't configured properly (as is everything else). It seems like using omv-firstaid and resetting the port at least fixed part of the config file, but clearly not everything.

    Any idea how to fix ntp.service?

    Oh and I'm not very good at linux so please be patient. :D
