Beiträge von bigboo3000


    with the last compose plug-in you added this new capability:

    - Support backup for paths using environment variables

    I saw in the wiki here that we can exclude volumes for backup:

    If I respect exemple of the image in the wiki each config folder is backuped twice (one in "0" folder and one in "1" volume).

    Maybe you should update the image in the wiki (./config volume should also have # SKIP_BACKUP


    I updated the script with just zstd instead of gzip:

    It's almost 4x faster on my machine (j4105) and the archive is smaller


    40021000192 bytes (40 GB, 37 GiB) copied, 665.096 s, 60.2 MB/s

    final file size: 1,32 Gb


    40021000192 bytes (40 GB, 37 GiB) copied, 181.178 s, 221 MB/s

    final file size: 1,16 Gb

    replace gzip with zstd by bigboo3000 · Pull Request #51 · OpenMediaVault-Plugin-Developers/openmediavault-backup
    Hi I updated the script with just zstd instead of gzip: It's almost 4x faster on my machine (j4105) and the archive is smaller gzip: 40021000192 bytes (40 GB,…


    I have random hard reboots since november on my server (Asrock J4105-ITX with a WD 14TB HDD and a Samsung 850 pro 512GB SDD) . I couldn't find the cause until yesterday:

    When I enable SMART monitoring in OMV UI the system randomly hard reboot every few hours/days without anything in logs.

    If then I disable SMART monitoring in OMV UI the problem (random reboots) stays until I completely power-off/power-on the server.

    I suspect this commit trigger a bug with the samsung SDD 850 pro firmware and the bug stays until a complete power-off.

    For now I disabled SMART monitoring and my system is stable again.

    What can I do to help fix the problem?

    It's a hard reboot for sure.

    I switched motherboard (with same ASMedia ASM1061), RAM and power supply so they can't be the cause.

    Only remaining things are:

    integrated ASMedia ASM1061 on the motherboard

    the 3 disks I use (1HDD an 2 SDDs, all SATA)

    the 3 SATA cables

    for my last test I plugged the SSD1 boot disk with OMV with a SATA>USB cable, I used his previous SATA cable for the second SSD and I disabled ASM1061 in the bios,

    So now I have boot SSD1 with USB

    HDD and SSD2 on native intel SATA ports.

    For now no more reboots since 4 days.

    That's why I strongly suspect a kernel bug with ASM1061.


    I have exactly the same problem on my server (Asrock J4105-itx motherboard) since approximately 2 months.

    I even switched motherboard (Asrock Q1900dc-itx), RAM and PSU and the problem persisted with random reboots.

    One thing in common with these boards is integrated ASMedia ASM1061 for 2 additional SATA ports (and Realtek Lan).

    I suspect there is an issue with ASM1061 and a recent linux kernel update, but I'm still not 100% sure.

    Now I'm using the Asrock J4105 again.

    I disabled AS1061 in BIOS, and I disabled SMART monitoring in OMV.

    No more reboot in 48h, but sometimes I had reboot every 5 days so I'm not sure it's completely fixed.


    I have several dockers on my OMV setup and it's quite boring to do that for each container:

    • Go to Services > Compose > Containers and select the container you want to update.
    • Press the Pull button. This will download the latest available image from that container.
    • Now go to Services > Compose > Files and select the file where that container is defined.
    • Click Up. The containers defined in the yaml file will start with the latest available image downloaded. Your container is already updated.
    • Press Prune and then press Image. Old images will be deleted.

    There is Watchtower but it seems it is a security problem (access to /var/run/docker.sock ) so I'm not sure it's a good idea to install it.

    The update mecanism in compose plugin only downloads new images without automatically restarting them and pruning old ones, could you add 2 new tick box in this window after the 'backup' and 'update' ones ?

    One named "restart containers after update" to automatically up containers after pull

    One named "prune old images" to automatically delete old images.

    If something bad happens you can restore old images from backup.

    Thank you


    I updated OMV today and followed upgrade procedure here

    omv6:omv6_plugins:docker_compose []

    But when I click on "up" I have the following error message:

    How can I fix this?

    I removed old portainer so I can no longer access it, all my other containers are still working fine.

    EDIT: I clicked "Reinstall Docker" in the plugin, now it's working!

    I just installed omv 3.0.83 latest image and upgraded it to 3.0.88.
    I installed vdr plugin and firmware updates.
    I have searched DVB-T channel and all worked correctly (I'm in France).
    I then tried to install vnsi plugin to connect to a remote kodi client.
    I choosed the latest 1.5.2 and clicked on "build"and it says the following (same with 1.5.1, i didn't tried other versions):

    I use a X64 PC and a DVB-T if9135 usb tuner.

    Can you help me to build this plugin?
