Beiträge von Desolator

    Every few hours my OMV machine is really busy and has a high processor load for about an half hour with an "out of memory" dump... It looks like a Docker/ Java problem but I am breaking my head to solve this. Has anyone an idea what's going on?

    IOTOP output:

    TOP output:

    I have also an T5740 as NAS. I placed an 10 gig 2.5 inch ide drive in it as system drive and i am using 2 USB drives (3 gig for downloads, data etc, 4 gig as Rsync backup drive) as storage and its working for about 3 years now perfectly. Recently i bought a memory upgrade for my laptop and used my old 2x 2 gig for the T5740, but it sees only 2.90 gig as useable... I know that the T5740 is 32bit but my understanding is that it should see all 4 gig ram with the PAE kernel. The Atom N280 processor is also PAE capable...

    Do i miss something here? Or is the T5740 not capable (hardware limitiation) of using more than 3 gig ram?

    I think you should try to get the tun adapter showing first. You should file a bug report to Volker on that. It may be why your network graphs are not working.

    How and where do I file a bug report?

    (Have never done it before)...

    Hallo Forum,

    kann mir einer sagen wie ich die aktuelle Kernelversion manuell installiert bekomme ?
    grüße Aspirin

    It is not that hard.

    SSH into OMV

    apt-cache search linux-image

    Find the right kernel, zb: linux-image-3.16.bpo.pae

    apt-get install linux-image-3.16.bpo.pae

    Reboot, done.

    Debian changed the package name of the backports 3.16 kernel. So, you have to have the latest omv-extras installed (1.6) to get the proper package. I just installed it on my own server and it works well.

    Okay, when I tried to install the backport kernel the latest omv-extras was 1.5. About a minute ago I saw the 1.6 update.


    Yes. debian put new versions. You can either install manually or upgrade Omv-extras to the latest version

    Okay, i'll give it a try.

    Edit: Still not working with the latest omv-extras.

    Edit 2: Manual method works.


    I had a problem with linux-image-3.16-0.bpo.2-486 with isc-dhcpd-server or dnsmasq - dhcpd doesn`t work properly, didn`t offer IP. When I back to 3.2.0-4-686-pae #1 all working perfectly - so be carefull.

    Thanks for the warning, but i don't need DHCP.

    I tried to install the backports kernel, but this is what I get:

    E: Unable to locate package linux-image-3.16-0.bpo.2-486
    E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'linux-image-3.16-0.bpo.2-486'
    E: Unable to locate package linux-headers-3.16-0.bpo.2-486
    E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'linux-headers-3.16-0.bpo.2-486'

    When I try to find the kernel at the Debian page: "Error, no such package"

    Did Debian deleted the kernels?

    I have also a P4 3.0 ghz HT processor and i have HT enabled.

    apt-cache search linux-image

    Search for the right kernel, this is the one you must install: linux-image-3.2.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae

    apt-get install linux-image-3.2.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae

    Reboot, done. HT enabled and rock solid without any problems.

    Zitat von "scoobynz"

    I ran a VPN (client only) on my router (Linksys E4200) using Tomato (Shibby) for about a year with mixed results. I found it overheated the router which would freeze, particularly in summer. The issue with this was that you would have to restart it at source. . . . i.e. I had no remote access to restart it. The other benefit I found of shifting the VPN to my server has been that my download speeds doubled, I assume due to the additional grunt of the server over the router.

    I've got no overheating problems, but I only run a VPN server on the router. The client is running on the OMV box.

    I came up with another solution since I'm using a VPN connection to the outside world. I ran also into the remote acces problem.

    But, I have Tomtato RAF firmware installed on my router so I setted up a VPN server on the router and when I must use remote acces I simply setup a VPN connection to the router and can do everything like before. Even more, I can also acces my homegroup so it's very simple to copy and move from and to remote locations.

    Zitat von "ryecoaaron"

    That is a lot more than I thought. I bet a lot of downloads are from Intel users downloading the 386 image because they think the amd64 image is for amd processors only. But I suppose some be running older atom or xeon systems.

    I really don' believe that. Because the people who build a homemade NAS do have computer skills and do know the difference between x64/x86. The OMV users (custom hardware and install) are not the grandmothers and mothers in law.

    That said I have two OMV boxes, one x64 @work (sleeping barracks, military, as media distribution) so powerconsumption and noise is no problem, and one x86 @home, the last one is a Optiplex SX270, small, silent, 3tb usb drive, P4 2.4, 2gb mem, 1gb lan, low powerconsumption, but x86. It is a really fine NAS/ OMV machine.