Beiträge von rich673

    ive also come across this issue, i found a temporary fix by switching off the Testing Repo then reboot and then updates work ok. its only a temp fix as im sure some users like myself use that repo so im sure omv will fix the issue in time

    ryecoaaron thanks for the reply i later found out that the iscsi plugin didnt work on omv v4, where as at the time of writing my reply is did, however after my usual weekly reboot it nolonger functioned correctly, i shall look into the issue and should i find a solution will inform yourself. thanks again

    omv vs 4 is running but you have to run the upgrade manually via shell or the booted interface, just login as root and the pw you setup when you installed omv originally then type: omv-release-upgrade an click yes to any promps the upgrade shouldn't alter any settings est you already have. once finished login to the webui and check for updates, then reboot the system

    defiantly not an issue with omv 3 as i myself tested version 2+3 from the beginning of beta releases an had no samba/cif problems ur having. i would suggest looking at your user rights an whether or not user names passwords are in place correctly