Beiträge von ranX

    I dug through the logfiles.
    Apache looks fine so far but everytime I try to log in the following can be found at /var/log/auth.log


    Jan 6 19:53:24 localhost sudo: openmediavault : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/var/www/openmediavault ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/hostname --fqdn
    Jan 6 19:53:34 localhost unix_chkpwd[26126]: check pass; user unknown
    Jan 6 19:53:34 localhost unix_chkpwd[26126]: password check failed for user (admin)
    Jan 6 19:53:34 localhost php5: pam_unix(openmediavault-webgui:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=999 euid=999 tty= ruser= rhost= user=admin

    Maybe this helps for further troubleshooting.

    Hmm, no ideas how to get login working ?

    I'm sure OMV works on this hardware.
    Had it up an running 'bout a year ago.

    Was indeed a dirty thing at that time as there were no armel packages present.
    I simply installed the ones for i386 arch.
    Against my worst expectations it worked - a little slow and throwing errors when calling e.g. CPU infos (as it wasn't compiled for the underlying hardware)
    Now I came back to this hoping armel compiled packages might have OMV run a little faster.

    Misfortunately I'm stuck at the moment with the above named issue.



    Zitat von "tekkbebe"

    Yes, you can login to web gui with root but all the options will not be available. Only the admin user can access all the OMV options.

    O.K. this confirms my issue - from the beginning on I wasn't able to logon as root also.
    Same message like the admin user.

    I installed openmediavault-keyring right after adding OMV repo to the sources as apt-get update complained about missing authetication
    xmlstarlet I had to install by hand.
    The armel-version apt-get would install from the Debian squeeze repos is below 1.3.1
    so apt would complain about missing dependencies when calling the install of openmediavault.

    Therefore I downloaded this with wget from a wheezy mirror and manually installed it with dpkg like proposed in this posting

    Postfix was installed automatically as a dependency of OMV; I didn't do at dedicated install for postfix itself.



    No problem !

    Essence of those many lines was:

    "I'm pretty sure I got the right admin credentials but WebGui login is always denied "
    So if you got some idea how to get around this I'll appreciate it very much.

    Best Regards


    btw.: should I be able to login to webfrontend as root on a fresh install or is this disabled by default ?
    If it is disabled: can it be enabled for troubleshooting ?
    Not to do any configuration but just to see whether Web-login is possible at all.

    Hi tekkbebe,

    seems you still gotten me wrong.

    Only way I can access the machine right now is the command line.
    Therefore I certainly know and use the credentials of the root account.

    What I can't do is logon to the WebGui with neither the admin user nor root.
    The default password "openmediavault" didn't work when install completed.
    So I reset it by the use of "omv-firstaid"
    Webmin user management wouldn't do anything different if I'd install and reset admin's pass by that.
    And why the effort to install webmin ?
    A simple "passwd admin" at the console would do the same job.

    Back to main topic: Even with the newly set password I can't login to WebGui as admin.

    Now there are exactly two options why this wouldn't work:
    1. while resetting I made some typos and reset to an unknown password
    2. My new password for admin is correct but login fails for some other reasons which lie in OMV

    How could I make sure, I didn't do any mistakes when setting the new admin pass ?
    Trying to logon to the console by the admin user doesn't seem to be such a bad idea and has proven that my newly set password at least works.
    The aforementioned message "This account is currently not available" shows that I used the right pass when processing the console login.

    So we come to the main issue:
    The password I set for admin works for a (blocked) console login but doesn't work on WebGui.
    Which leads me back to the question why I can't login to the webfrontend of OMV with a correct password ?

    The credentials I enter don't seem to be passed to the underlying system correctly which results in the message login is incorrect.
    btw.: I found a few postings which also describe this behaviour - unfortunately in none of them a solution was given



    Thanks for the quick reply !

    That's what even can be found in the FAQ
    Be sure I already tried to login by default credentials several times before doing a reset in the following manner ;)

    As described:
    I can do a reset of the admin passwd on console by the use of "omv-firstaid"
    The newly set password can be confirmed at the console the following way:

    If I try to login at the console with user "admin" and give a wrong password I get the message it is wrong.
    When I give the right password a short login procedure starts and I get kicked back to login where I see "This account is currently not available" (for console login)

    To my understanding the "admin" user it's only for use with WebGui ... but anyway ... by getting this message I see the password somehow works ... right ?!
    You should be able to try this yourself at the console of your own machine.

    If I take this new password and try a WebGui Login this doesn't work - the same way the login with the default password didn't before.
    There's always the message "Incorrect username or password"

    To put it simple: after installation WebGui login with default username and password refused to work
    and I wasn't able to circumvent this behaviour by setting a new one.

    Best Regards


    Hi Folks,

    after having this issue the second time (already tried with reinstall after yesterday's failure) I open a new topic
    as I found no others, that help me resolve this issue:
    I can open the website by the machine's IP but login is impossible.
    No matter what username and pass I enter, I always get the message "Incorrect username or password"

    Things I tried to resolve this:
    - I double-checked my typing
    - I ran "omv-firstaid" and changed the password for user "admin" to something easy like "omv"
    - I ran "omv-initsystem" as this install on an armel machine was done by adding openmediavault to the sources list
    - everytime some reboots, browser-refreshes in between but still no luck

    The system I'm running:
    Netgear Stora with Marvell Kirkwood CPU 1Ghz 128 MB RAM
    Kernel 3.2.2 patched to run on the above named box - standard Debian install with Samba, Webmin, FTP, minidlna, etc. runs fine and stable with it
    Latest Debian Squeeze - freshly bootstrapped and updated from official Debian mirrors
    OpenMediaVault 0.4.11 - installed from OMV mirror
    all installed on an attached USB pendrive; got no other options: NAND where the factory system sits is too small (256MB);
    both HDDS are in RAID1 and only for data
    I plan to level down drive wear by installing the flashybrid package from Debian repo as soon as OMV is working properly.

    At present I access the box over a serial console cable by picocom
    login as root is certainly possible but only on console, not on WebGui

    btw: I can proof the password of "admin" user at the console too;
    If I try to login there an give a wrong password I get the according message.
    When I give the right password I see "This account is currently not available"
    On WebGui with the same password.... well - look at the beginning of this tread 8-)

    Any help is appreciated !

