Beiträge von tleung927

    I am using RP3 + OMV 4 as a torrent box almost one year. Super happy with the power consumption and stable, reboot at most 2-3 times in one year. But currently I got a unlimited google drive , I know it will be easier to use Kodi , but i have a lifetime plex pass so i want to get the benefit . Thus, I setup a Plex + rclone , i have around 1500+ movie and 1000+ tv show , plex took few hours to finish all the import. I set transcoding as better speed, it can load up my show and download subtitle without problem if i watch at home. But if I want to watch on phone or cast to TV it will show device not powerful enough. So i want to upgrade to RP4 which it can handle plex transcoding. But I love OMV , do you guys know how's RP4 run in OMV?

    Thanks @jata1 !! Ya, i am use OMV4 also, cause OMV3 has tons of issue right after installed. So i erase my sd card and install OMV4 right away.

    It's running perfectly fine now. And i setup a ngix proxy docker to direct out of my house. I can control it everywhere !!

    I notices the download speed on transmission is kinda slow 2-3 mb/s, compare to my old windows setup which can hit 10mb / s I am thinking is that the raspberry pi problem? But i am using iPad charger which only has 2A output. So I got low voltage warning on screen . Is this related?

    I do have other problem but not relate to the docker. Since I am using my windows as plex server. I wonder is there anyway i can access my windows share drive from OMV? I know i can do other way , windows access OMV SMB. But if i can access windows share drive in OMV i can move my file via terminal which is easier for me.

    Just got a new raspberry pi and I am using open media vault as basic system. I am not sure this will cause problem or not. But i use OMV and haugene/docker-transmission-openvpn on my old AMD PC for months without any problem. The different is pi using different CPU so i need to create the image before install.

    Here is my step from create docker => run .

    First I download the zip file and unzipped it push to my root/trans-vpn folder by winscp

    Second Create the image by == > docker build --tag="tony-trs-vpn" --file="Dockerfile.armhf".
    After a long wait i got the message said "Successfully built 5dca779656ec"
    "Successfully tagged tony-trs-vpn:latest"

    Third Using the same script I used in x86 system.
    sudo docker run --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --device=/dev/net/tun --restart=always -d
    -v :/srv/dev-disk-by-label-untitled/:/data
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    --env-file /root/DockerEnv
    -p 9091:9091
    Now I saw the container is keep restart by itself and repeat this error message
    "[dumb-init] /etc/openvpn/ Permission denied"