Beiträge von Oretuni


    my OMV does not go in suspend becaus of cron jobs every few minutes.
    I only have created one cron job to save some directories. All other cron job must be from the system or application.

    Meanwhile I have minimum setting in autoshutdown. No IP blocks suspend ( - ) only Port 22. But I'm not connected via SSH.
    All other values are standard.
    In the past it works fine!

    Can someone help?



    first, english is not my native language. So please forgive my spelling mistakes!

    I use OMV 3 with the docker plugin. It is very cool and I would like to do more.
    I have some generell difficulties understanding with docker.
    Can someone explain thefollowing setting within the container?

    Volumes and Bind mount:

    Does this mean, that the path in the container will linked to a path ( outside this container ) on my host system?

    How is the syntax for the container path? "/folder" or "folder/" ?

    Volumes from:

    I have no idea what this means!

    If the container is already created and running. How can I edit the setting without lose the complete settings.

    For example:

    I installed nextcloud. Thean I changed the port of the container. I had to select the database again and assign a new admin.

    How can I prevent this?

    Now that I have played a lot with it, there are a lot of entries in the folder overlay2.
    How can I filter and delete the unused entries?
    I found a guid for delting unused container and images. But not for the entries in the overlay2 folder.

    Next problem wioth overlay2:
    There are the folders: /diff , /merged , /work
    If I want to edit some files in for example nexcloud.
    Where do I do it?
    In /diff, /merged, or /work?

    Or can I link the relevant folders to my host ( see Volumes and Binds ) so I do not have to poke around in docker?

    Thanks for your help.


    ich habe gerde das OMV 3 auf meinemn Intel J 4205 installiert. Das System hat 2 x 4 GB Arbeitsspeicher und wird mit 2 einzelnen Datenplatten, jeweils mit ext4 formatiert, betrieben.
    Augenscheinlich läuft es auch ohne Probleme.

    Alls ich die Freigaben für beide Platten eingerichtet hatte, wollte ich einen Schreibtest starten und habe eine 500 MB Datei von der einen zu der anderen Platte kopiert.
    Bei einer Schreibrate von unter einem MB/s hätte das ewig gedauert und ich habe ies abgerochen.

    Heute Morgen habe ich auf die Schnelle am angeschlossenen Monitor ziemlich vielen Einträge gesehen. Da stand etwas von "ATA error". Was genau müsste ich heute Abend nochmal schauen.

    Hat jemand bis dahin eine Idee? Liegt es am Appollo Board? Sind da irgendwelche Dinge bekannt?

    Danke und Gruß


    i would like to change the start page of OMV 3 because i want to add some links to other websites on it.
    I don't have any experience in html and OMV, but if there is a index.php which i can modify than I will able to do this.

    Could someone give me a hint?
