Beiträge von gedi

    Thanks for help. Apparently cipher AES-256-CBC was breaking the connection. When I used AES-128-CBC on client and server, after which I used command systemctl restart openvpn, everything seems to be working perfectly.

    subzero79, thanks for your help!

    P.S. I have removed what I should have not said in the previous message :)

    After trying this, I cannot connect to the server and get message:

    read UDP: Unknown error (code=10054)

    Checking the status on OMV shows that openvpn is running, but not possible to connect. I tried to disable and enable Openvpn from OMV page and I can connect to the server again, however all the settings are lost again. :/
    Is there other command to try restart openvpn?

    Hi, guys,

    I receive error on OpenVPN clients when connecting to OpenVPN server which is on OMV 3 OS:
    WARNING: INSECURE cipher with block size less than 128 bit (64 bit). This allows attacks like SWEET32. Mitigate by using a --cipher with a larger block size (e.g. AES-256-CBC).

    Have anyone encountered this error before? Where could I change this cipher block size?
