Beiträge von schnedan


    my selfbuild is much older, not fanless, but provides for 6 SATA Ports + a single old parallel IDE (which is sufficient for System partition...)
    currently I use 3 SATA Ports for a Raid (which also results in a good throughput of the Network Interface)
    So about 4 years old, still about 45% capacaty free and still has the ability to be extended with no effort.

    So choosing a MoBo with more Ports and more PCIe Ports is a favor if you want to be future save

    Hi all,

    running a self build OMV NAS for some years now, I think I should upgrade to 3.x [or is 4.x already stable enougth?].
    At least I want my nas to be as stable as possible, even I also have a tripple backup of everything also.
    So reducing any needed management/upgrades is important to me.

    Never the less, The forum alread unveiled
    * Install from scratch to avoid problems
    * disconnect datadiscs during install

    My major Question, is there a advised procedure to backup the raid config of my dataarray and to restore it after upgrade install?