Beiträge von peterparker

    really cute device. a lot of good ideas (like the cooling fan in the bottom), but maybe a bit early to buy one for own experiments... most (all) of the pictures are definitly cgi.

    i would wait for a review/hands-on video.

    Hi elsmandino,

    I bought two of the 12TB WD My Books myself a few weeks ago.

    1.) As far as I know you loose the 3 year warranty when remove the drive from the enclosure... But: As long as the enclosure remains undamaged, you can put the drive back in and take advantage of the guarantee. You have to be very careful when you remove the drive. There are videos on youtube which will help you. I did it that way (sorry for the german language).

    2.) Its extremely likely that it is a WD120EDAZ. See this. In my case it was the same.


    hi boombuia,
    ive planned something similar like you, but I have never implemented it... I found this article a while ago, maybe it helps.
    You should rethink your idea, to us ftp for remote file access. its a very unsafe, old protocol.
    I'm using nextcloud (docker) to access and share my files to various clients and I'm pretty happy with it. But maybe thats another use case.


    Hello - is there any user who could eventually comment on this

    I don't know if it helps but I use the nextcloud update procedure from within the container. (running 16.0.3 right now) I never updated the container image itself. This is what I do:

    1.) log into the container image

    docker exec -it nextcloud bash

    2.) start the (text-)menu-driven update script:

    sudo -u abc php /config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar

    and followed the instructions... Ive done this that way about 5-6 times.


    Im running nextcloud in docker as well. When I want to excute an 'occ' command for some reason, I do it from 'within' the docker container:

    docker exec -it nextcloud bash

    where 'nextcloud' is the name of the container. when Im doing a 'ls -l' it looks like this:

    as you can see, the owner of the 'data' folder is 'abc' in my case. I can execute an 'occ' command then like:

    sudo -u abc /config/www/nextcloud/occ status

    the result would be:

    - installed: true
      - version:
      - versionstring: 15.0.5
      - edition:

    hope that helps.


    is openvpn the official part of omv? If not...

    no idea what you mean. are there "unofficial" plugins?

    thats what I did:
    OMV3: install openvpn plugin (openmediavault-openvpn 3.0.6) via web plugin installer -> works perfectly
    OMV4: install openvpn plugin (openmediavault-openvpn 4.0.1) via web plugin installer -> does not work (see links in my above post)


    I havent tried the solution that solved the issue for gromgsxr.


    any news on this?
    I have the same problem. Dashboard shows green lights, but openvpn is not running. I installed and configured the openvpn plugin the same way as in OMV3.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    root@Odroid-HC1:~# ps -aux | grep openvpn
    root     11313  0.0  0.0   3764   588 pts/0    S+   15:15   0:00 grep openvpn

    Hi Mr. Grape,

    1.) using Odroid HC1 with a HGST Travelstar 7K1000 my up/down speed (SMB) is above 80MB/s for big files (max is about 90MB/s).
    2.) my config is: APM: 127, Acousic Management deactivated, 20minutes spin-down. Everything works as expected.
    3.) I think there a still problems with the mainline kernel 4.14.y. for armbian "stretch". At least I coundt find any official release on the armbian site. Im still using 4.9.61 with "jessie".

    Maybe tkaiser has some more info. Hes the local guru here. ;)


    This is not a 'fix' since those predictable en... names are neither a problem nor a bug but a solution for a long standing problem with the stupid/primitive/anachronistic interface names like eth0 (exchange position of PCIe cards and the naming of your network interfaces changes!)

    uhhh. ok. then I will apologize for my " stupid/primitive/anachronistic" link. I really should be more carefull and I didnt know that "namig network interfaces" could possibly be a science (or maybe a religion...). ;)
    Anyway. Maybe I make another try with this knowledge and the error messages that I posted above will magically disappear.


    ...I think the long name for eth0 is by design?

    regarding to my good friend google your right. its a "feature" named "consistent network device naming". Here's a thread with some Info.
    In this thread is a fix for odroid (possibly for other single board computers).

    root@odroid:~# cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
    SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth0", NAME="eth0"

    maybe this will help...


    did some testing with the OMV 4.1.7 image for the Odroid HC1 ("OMV_4_Odroid_XU4_HC1_HC2.img.xz"). I had to roll back to 3.0.99 because of some problems. I'm not an Linux/Debian expert, so maybe ive just made a mistake.
    Here are my findings after the initial boot with a newly flashed sd-card:

    1.) The ethernet adapter has a very strange name "enx001122334455" where "001122334455" is the MAC-address of the adapter. In the old build (3.0.99) it was just the usual "eth0".
    2.) I wasnt able to add the interface in the network settings of the gui (see screenshot).
    3.) The check for available updates did not work (see screenshot).

    After that I switched back to my old installation. I have saved the syslog and the system-information->report file. If one of the moderators is interested, I can send them.

    Thanks for your effort!


    it doesn't work either and apparently they don't plan to do an update to solve this problem there :(

    Hi botteur,
    I had a similar problem with my Dune TV303D mediaplayer after upgrading to OVM 4.
    I found out that the problem wasnt the SMB1 (NT1) protocol itself, but the authentication method my mediplayer used (NTLMv1). As far as I have understood, this method was switched off for security reasons with the current version of the samba service (4.5.12).

    I solved the problem by adding this line in the "extra options" field:

    ntlm auth = yes

    Now everything works like before the upgrade to OMV 4.
    The bad part: I really have no idea if using this option has a significant impact on the security of the Installation.

    Maybe someone gives a comment on this.
