Beiträge von steakhutzeee

    I've to say that i'm very happy i found this piece of software and this community. You're very kind!

    EDIT: As i can read from the HC2 page: UHS-1 capable micro-SD card slot for boot media.
    So it's compatible with A1 standard?
    What's a good size? 16GB?

    And, I should install this just to be safe or can avoid it? This because I read that best thing is to not use the shell but only the gui…eshooting/shutdown_script

    I never imagined this! Thank you!

    Just to be sure i got the point.

    I connect the ODROID to ehthernet, microsd, and power.

    Then i let it boot.
    After some seconds i can put my drive in.

    Find the ip and then configure what i need.

    Right? But how can i know that the board has ended the initialization of openmediavault?

    And i've another noob question, all things, plugins etc. i go to install are installed on the microsd right? Because i read that i don't have that type of access to the drive.

    You ask a question here, in ODROID forum or Pine64 IRC as everyone else. In case you are really keen on using a slow and crappy NAS better choose the RPi 3B+ and be prepared that you will be left alone with every question that can not be answered by a simple web search (check the networking section in RPi forum and have a laugh -- huge community mostly consisting of clueless users).
    Choosing an RPi over the ODROID-HC2 is just insane and of course asking for troubles (you realized that various network troubles with the new RPi?)

    Yes, of course i'll not choose the pi, i really like this odroid :D

    There are a couple of things i don't understand, maybe noobs question... i had just a limited experience with slackware in the past :)

    1. I foud this…eshooting/shutdown_script
    could you give me some information on this? I don't understand exactly what's that about :/

    2. I read a thing in a post you made:
    "Personally I consider using eMMC for an OMV OS drive a waste of resources. Just buy a quality card, check for counterfeit stuff, optionally do a full erase with SD Association's 'SD Formatter' (sends the card an ERASE CMD38 which is an equivalent to TRIM on SSDs), then burn with Etcher and use the flashmemory plugin (enabled by default on all ARM images).

    All OMV images for ARM (except RPi) use btrfs so it's easy to run a 'btrfs scrub' monthly so you always know when your card starts to get bad.

    My question is, what's a counterfeit micro sd card? How can i recognize it?


    Evening :)

    I'm new to the forum, first post :D

    I would to make a home nas with openmediavault, so i can have a minipc always downloading and seeding 24/7.

    My first thought was to buy a Raspberry and a WD Red with some docking station or case so to power it separately.

    Then i read this https://forum.openmediavault.o…?postID=154980#post154980

    So i don't know what to do anymore :P

    What you think is the best choice for me? I was looking for the ODROID-HC2

    I like it.

    My "problem" is i can't buy drive and minipc in one time.

    So i wanted to buy the wd red and its docking station or case and then, next month probably, buy the minipc.

    If the ODROID-HC2 is a good solution, the docking station or case i buy is useless :/

    (Doubt: My wd Red drive would powered fine in the ORDOID-HC2?)

    Or maybe the EspressoBin is a good solution.

    Thank you very much for your help! :)