Beiträge von LRCraft

    Hello together. At first sorry for my bad english.

    At yesterday i had a little problem with my WDMCMG2.

    Before 2 Days i flashed DSM from
    I enabled ssh at first in the DSM Settings because its importend

    The Installation-Process and Setup was problemless and my WD is working fine.
    I dont plugged out or shutdown over night

    Next day i went again to the WebGUI but nothing happens anymore, only a blank Site.

    Then I have tested some things:
    Cold Restart (plug out Power)
    Remove Disks and Re-insert and Restart
    Pressing the Reset Button a few Times
    tryed to connect via https on port 5001 is the same like http on port 5000 or 80 - only a blank Site (used Firefox and Chrome)

    If I test to connect via ssh and telnet - no way because the Ports are closed

    the output of nmap says

    80/tcp open http
    139/tcp open netbios-ssn
    161/tcp open snmp
    443/tcp open https
    445/tcp open microsoft-ds
    5000/tcp open upnp
    5001/tcp open commplex-link

    no ssh or telnet support :(

    I hope somebody has any solution for this (little) Problem

    Oh and i'm using Linux/Xubuntu if its importend to find the Problem

    Many thanks in advance for your help :)