Beiträge von ChainSOV

    Just wanted to add that I am also facing this problem with OMV3 and mergerfs.

    I don't use USB Drives, they are all SATA

    Sometimes the mergerfs pool gets disconnected and it seems that transmission-bt writes in a directory under /media/mergerfs-id

    After a reboot mergerfs mounts the pool under /media/mergerfs-id again, so that the local directory /media/mergerfs-id with its content is not visible

    A few times I was able to solve the problem by removing the download in transmission gui and trashing its data, prior to reboot.

    But now I am sitting infront of the problem again, only a few MB left. Already forgot how I fixed it last time, googling brought me to this thread.

    And then a strange thing happened.
    I commented out only the mergerfs pool from fstab
    and disabled bittorrent service
    got a call from pissed off wife because she was watching a TV show, this is not the strange thing :P

    navigated to /media/mergerfs-id ... its empty =O
    checked df
    2 GB free space :thumbup:

    I am not sure what happened, but it seems the problem solved itself.

    Well, not it the long run, in the long run I would prefer that mergerfs would clear the local /media/mergerfs-id directory prior to mounting over it, that would rock, because the problem would be solved just be rebooting, not editing fstab manually.