Beiträge von bfeio


    I figured it out. The clock of my NAS was set to 14th November 2016, as certs are time sensitive this was causing the issue, I resolved it by installing ntp to synchronise my NAS to a time server.

    For anyone else experiencing this issue these are the steps I took to resolve: -

    • Check whether date is out of sync using on the OMV machine using the date command from the terminal
    • Install ntp sudo apt-get install ntp
    • Edit /etc/ntp.conf with the closest server to your country. The server lists can be found here
    • Once edited you will need to restart ntp service ntp restart
    • Check the date command again you should now see the correct date
    • Go to OMV web GUI
    • Select update management
    • Tick all and update
    • Reinstall omvextras
    • Repos should now work