Beiträge von mneese

    My USB backup plugin works great for backups. However, when it is disconnected, the plugin executes and looks for the missing drive every 6 or so minutes. It is my understanding that this triggers the raid drives to start up, even though they are set to spindown when not accessed.

    Also, the error logs are constantly written.

    This can't be right! How to stop the unnecessary execution of the plugin?

    Running an old server Dell T420 with Dell H710 raid card. OMV 6 with (7) 1TB SAS drives. The drives are enterprise quality but old. With the raid card, i cannot see any smart data through OMV.

    Dell offers "percli" for CLI useage. Has anyone used this and are there specifics that I should be wary of?

    Hi, after updating to 6.9.7-2 version today, I am getting these errors when viewing "processes"...

    I am not savvy enough to understand this... Is this a game changer? Does my server survive?


    Failed to execute command 'export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export LANG=C.UTF-8; export LANGUAGE=; top --batch --iterations=1 --width=512 2>&1' with exit code '1': top: inappropriate '-batch' Usage: top -hv | -bcEeHiOSs1 -d secs -n max -u|U user -p pid(s) -o field -w [cols]

    Failed to execute command 'export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export LANG=C.UTF-8; export LANGUAGE=; top --batch --iterations=1 --width=512 2>&1' with exit code '1': top: inappropriate '-batch' Usage: top -hv | -bcEeHiOSs1 -d secs -n max -u|U user -p pid(s) -o field -w [cols]


    What do you expect to receive in that email?

    Thanks for your interest and information... I will get back to report on disabling the "quiet" option. In the meantime...

    I am migrating from OMV 4 to OMV 6 with several servers. This is my testing system to make sure I have everything configured properly before I move everything. So, in this particular case, backups are important and the emails I get from OMV 4 display a list that verifies what directories are queried and the file by file list of differential files added to the backup drive.

    I'm not getting that verification list, even though the backups are seemingly perfect. I don't care to be on my GUI when I connect the backup drive, and I don't know if this has effected the email send... If this does affect the send, why is that not explained in the USB Backup plugin setup?

    I may be misunderstanding the basics of this plugin service... here is my understanding of the plugin:

    The USB Backup itself is not scheduled, it is random. I initiate the USB Backup by physically connecting the backup drive via the USB port. I cannot "mount" the file system through my GUI interface after the plugin unmounts the drive... therefore leaving the backup drive connected and mounting through the GUI to initiate the backup is not an option in my current configuration. Correct me if this a incorrect configuration... Also, the purpose would be to allow the backup drive to be stored elsewhere for disaster protection...


    For the email to be sent it has to be a scheduled job

    How to schedule the email send? Is that done through "scheduled tasks" or "notifications/events"?

    Under notifications/events, I have selected:

    1. File Systems
    2. Smart
    3. Software updates

    I have unselected:

    1. CPU usage
    2. Load average
    3. Memory usage
    4. Process monitoring
    5. Software Raid

    If this done under "scheduled tasks", I am not knowledgeable of the "command" that would be appropriate for this function...

    Hi, I have configured my USB Backup Plugin to send emails to admin, however this is not happening upon backups. Email system and notifications work on other alerts, so the email system itself seems to be working.

    The backups themselves work!

    In the USB Backup configuration I have "send email" checked... And just below that I also have "quiet" checked.

    Could the "quiet" parameter affect the email sends? Or, is there another parameter I need to address?

    Thank you...

    Hi, I put a bunch of files from my operating desktop over to my OMV 6 server today, and I looked into the logs and found many of these errors...

    Nov 6 12:47:44 vault420 smbd[2823]: [2023/11/06 12:47:44.868715, 0] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:3428(process_usershare_file)

    Nov 6 12:47:44 vault420 smbd[2823]: process_usershare_file: stat of /var/lib/samba/usershares/_kar6781.tif failed. Permission denied

    What is happening and How can i correct this?


    smbd[2823]: process_usershare_file: stat of /var/lib/samba/usershares/_kar6779.tif failed. Permission denied

    smbd[2823]: process_usershare_file: stat of /var/lib/samba/usershares/_kar6779.tif failed. Permission denied

    smbd[2823]: process_usershare_file: stat of /var/lib/samba/usershares/_kar6779.tif failed. Permission denied

    Mounted @1;20, files backed up, emails sent, unmounted @1:30...

    Error returned once @2:10pm, and none for last 25 + minutes or so... seems the interval has gotten longer...

    Backup drive has been verified for proper backup directories... and it is GOOD!

    When you run the backup, is the filesystem unmounted automatically?

    Just tested with 16gb new files to the server, they transferred correctly from another server... Then connected the backup drive by USB, it was mounted quickly and the rsynch backup proceeded to the USB drive, then the drive was UNMOUNTED. Shown as "online" but not mounted...

    Looking good!

    So, I'm good to go with config (?), but I guess I can live with the repeated error for the missing external device. As long as I get the backups, which seems to be working.... I will keep my eyes out for issues.

    Is there any way to clear the error logs. I can't find an obvious way or button to do this.... Omv 4 had a simple "clear" button. I don't see this in OMV6/

    Thanks for your time and help...

    I have two shared folders enabled for backup to this designated external drive in the USB Backup plugin interface. My assumption is that this service would only be initiated when the external drive is plugged in. Am i wrong?

    I configured the external storage device as "/dev/disk/by-uuid/221CA3181CA2E64F" when the device was connected and this shows on the main USB BACKUP page...However, The external device in the "edit" interface is greyed out when the external drive is not connected.

    So, if i trash these enabled backup configs in the main USB Backup interface, will my shared folders still be backed up when connecting the external dive?

    Thank you for your help. I am using the USB backup rsynch that operates when the external drive is plugged in. This is not configured with any scheduled event. My issues probably started when I first plugged the drive in, and my clumsy initiation and config for the plugin. I think i understand the premise and operation of this service, but i just did something wrong in the setup... Thanks again...

    thank you for your help. Here are the excerpts from config.xml where "221CA3181CA2E64F" occurs....



























































    The drive referenced in the errors is the backup drive that was attached to the server for USB backup. The errors are referring to that drive which is now unmounted and disconnected.

    I made changes to the openmediavault-filesystem.conf by commenting out the references to checking and mounting the missing filesystem...


    # Alert if disk space of root filesystem gets low

    check filesystem rootfs with path /

    if space usage > 85% for 5 times within 15 cycles

    then alert else if succeeded for 10 cycles then alert

    check filesystem filesystem_srv_dev-disk-by-uuid-e81ad6ef-c175-45b4-a2f4-1f954ebd3b7b with path "/srv/dev-d>

    if space usage > 90% for 5 times within 15 cycles

    then alert else if succeeded for 10 cycles then alert

    # Try to auto-mount a filesystem if it is missing. Alert if the filesystem

    # is still missing after a given time period.

    check program mountpoint_srv_dev-disk-by-uuid-e81ad6ef-c175-45b4-a2f4-1f954ebd3b7b with path "/bin/mountpoi>

    if status != 0

    then alert

    if status != 0 for 2 cycles

    then exec "/usr/bin/mount '/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-e81ad6ef-c175-45b4-a2f4-1f954ebd3b7b'"

    #check filesystem filesystem_srv_dev-disk-by-uuid-221CA3181CA2E64F with path "/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-221CA31>

    # if space usage > 85% for 5 times within 15 cycles

    # then alert else if succeeded for 10 cycles then alert

    # Try to auto-mount a filesystem if it is missing. Alert if the filesystem

    # is still missing after a given time period.

    #check program mountpoint_srv_dev-disk-by-uuid-221CA3181CA2E64F with path "/bin/mountpoint '/srv/dev-disk-b>

    # if status != 0

    # then alert

    # if status != 0 for 2 cycles

    # then exec "/usr/bin/mount '/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-221CA3181CA2E64F'"


    This stopped the continuous errors... However after restarting monit, i am getting these errors every 8 minutes....

    systemd[1]: dev-disk-by\x2duuid-221CA3181CA2E64F.device: Job dev-disk-by\x2duuid-221CA3181CA2E64F.device/start failed with result 'timeout'.

    10/28/2023, 5:40:38 PM
    systemd[1]: openmediavault-usbbackup-7eac253a9287f0b89e3543980fec1ca4.service: Job openmediavault-usbbackup-7eac253a9287f0b89e3543980fec1ca4.service/start failed with result 'dependency'.

    10/28/2023, 5:40:38 PM
    systemd[1]: Dependency failed for Execute the rsync backup jobs when /dev/disk/by-uuid/221CA3181CA2E64F is plugged in.

    10/28/2023, 5:40:38 PM
    systemd[1]: Timed out waiting for device /dev/disk/by-uuid/221CA3181CA2E64F.

    10/28/2023, 5:40:38 PM
    systemd[1]: dev-disk-by\x2duuid-221CA3181CA2E64F.device: Job dev-disk-by\x2duuid-221CA3181CA2E64F.device/start timed out.


    The USB backup interface has been configured with this particular drive as the "external storage device". So is this eight minute cycle normal to look for the connected USB device for backup?

    It is a backup drive used for USB backup. Are you saying it has to be linux for backup USB drive? Is that new in OMV 6. My older OMV 4 works fine with your everyday backup drives....

    When viewing this huge and continuously expanding "daemon" log file, there is a "download button, but I do not see a "clear" or erase button or some way to clear out this bloated file.... How to clear the logs?

    Hi, I'm setting up a new OMV6 with plans to migrate data from an OMV4 system. I have checked the logs and found there are several thousand of these error messages...


    10/27/2023, 5:53:36 PM
    monit[996]: 'filesystem_srv_dev-disk-by-uuid-221CA3181CA2E64F' unable to read filesystem '/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-221CA3181CA2E64F' state

    10/27/2023, 5:53:36 PM
    monit[996]: Filesystem '/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-221CA3181CA2E64F' not mounted

    10/27/2023, 5:53:06 PM
    monit[996]: 'mountpoint_srv_dev-disk-by-uuid-221CA3181CA2E64F' status failed (1) -- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-221CA3181CA2E64F is not a mountpoint

    10/27/2023, 5:53:06 PM
    monit[996]: Filesystem '/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-221CA3181CA2E64F' not mounted

    10/27/2023, 5:53:06 PM
    monit[996]: 'filesystem_srv_dev-disk-by-uuid-221CA3181CA2E64F' unable to read filesystem '/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-221CA3181CA2E64F' state

    10/27/2023, 5:53:06 PM
    monit[996]: 'mountpoint_srv_dev-disk-by-uuid-221CA3181CA2E64F' status failed (1) -- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-221CA3181CA2E64F is not a mountpoint

    Looking at my disks, the file systems and shared folders, I cannot find what this refers to.... Any ideas? Is there any way to stop this?