Beiträge von Pancu

    Thank you for your help.

    When I leave the values here as 0, the .recycbin file comes out after deleting something in each folder. That's exactly what I wanted.

    Users could see the "reycbin" file as a hidden file in SBC / CIFS. This situation is not what I want. When I add as follows, I'm preventing users from seeing the "recycbin" file, and only the admin can see the "recycbin" file on the command line (Ubuntu) and it was very good for us.

    Global setting

    unix extensions = no
    veto files = /.*
    delete veto files = yes

    Finally I added the "reycbin" file in the cron tab line so that it doesn't grow in capacity. (last 7 days to stay)

    find /sharedfolders/XXXX/.recycle/ -type f -mtime -7 -delete


    Thank you for answering

    I use OMV version 4.1.3-1(Arrakis)

    After activating the "recycle bin" button in the WEB interface, I could not find a folder called ".recycle" in the sharing root folder. there is obviously a problem with this. You can configure the process in a different way. I would appreciate it if you look at this configuration over the weekend and share it with me.

    I don't see ldap users in the openmedivault user list. When I create the same user name on Ldap oand openmedivault, user can login to ftp share with ldap password. SMB / CIFS cannot log on to windows with the ldap password, even though I have given user privileges to the files I created in the share. But the SMB / CIFS share allows users to login with the openmedivault password. The main problem is that users cannot login to the SMB / CIFS share with the ldap password.


    I installed the Ldap plugin on Opendavault, I made the necessary adjustments and I added samba schema on the openbdap side, ldap user can login with his own password to ftp and GUI interface, but the user can not log on windows with his own password. Can you help with this problem.