Beiträge von vbalazs

    Helyi: Local
    Ip cím: IP Adress
    Kezdő port: Starter Port
    Befejező port: Finish Port
    Külső = External
    Prot: Protocol
    Leírás: Description
    Engedélyezve: Allowed?

    The first router IP addres is
    In TP Link router I dont have to write the ip address of computer

    Hi. I am newbie there so i need some help, please.

    Ive installed openmediavault yesterday for my NAS but I can't share the port for WAN. I forwarded the port on my router (21 and 22) but still not working, I cant connect to FTP.
    I wanna add port to the ip tables but i get a big error:

    Please, SOS question, I need solve this for tomorrow.
    Thanks. Balazs.