Beiträge von agster

    So just an update. I have an NZBGet in a container, Transmission-openvpn in a container and NGINX in a container. They are all working find and I setup NZBGet to work through NGINX.


    Here is what I am confused about and having trouble wrapping my head around. If I set the NZBGet Container to use the network of the Transmission-OpenVPN container I have no idea how to set NGINX to proxy to that since its on a Docker Network which I have no idea what the IP will be.

    Am I missing something?

    Dear Community,

    I am getting desperate. I've spent a week messing, tinkering and reading the forums and need some guidance. Here is what I am looking todo:

    I would like Transmission, NZBGET and other containers to route all traffic through a VPN that has a kill switch.

    I have setup Transmission-OpenVPN and it works great! I have setup a container for NZBGet and set it to use the transmission-openvpn container for it's network using "--net=container:transmissionopenvpn". I made sure nzbget worked before I turned on NGiNX and set NZBGet to use the Transmission-OpenVPN container for it's network. Once I set NZBGet to use the transmission-openvpn network I could not get to the NZBGet webpage. This I was expecting. So then I setup a container for NGINX and created a separate config file in nginx/site-configs/nzbget.conf:

    server {
        listen 6789;
        listen [::]:6789;
        location /nzbget/ {

    When I go to which is the NGiNX server I get "Page 500".

    Few questions:
    1.) Do I need to even use NGINX for this setup? Is there an easier way?
    2.) What can I look at to troubleshoot NGINX. I like Docker but I find it hard to troubleshoot as I cannot log into a command line to the containers.
    3.) Is my NGINX configurtation correct? Anyone have an example NGINX config they can send me?


    First of all I love OMV! I have very familiar with commercial NAS products ( EMC, NetApp etc ) and this is a wonderful little product. I wish I found it earlier.

    I am new to Docker and also enjoying learning about it and how it plugs into OMV.

    I want to create a few containers, Transmission, NBZGet, Radarr, Sonarr etc.

    I have configured the transmission-openvpn docker container with no problems and got it working. Yay me!

    However I realized I transmission and nbzget to both use OpenVPN. So it seems creating a separate container for OpenVPN and having a transmission container and NBZget container use OpenVPN. I want to create a user defined bridge network ( I think ) however in the Docker GUI in OMV I cannot figure out how todo this.

    If there is another way todo this that I am missing let me know.

    Any help would be apperciated to push me in the right direction. I have been looking at the forums and reading Docker documentation and am still stuck.

    -M :)

    So if I'm interpreting dperson's container description correctly, instead of having to run the transmission-openvpn container and a jdownloader-openvpn container (as an example, idk if that even exists) you could just run his openvpn-client container and then use containers for transmission, jd, etc that do not have openvpn built in; they would just leverage the openvpn-client container's vpn connection. That way you don't have multiple unnecessary connections to your vpn in separate containers. If that's the case, that's really cool and I need to work on getting that implemented.

    @pioneermoney How do you setup one container to use another container network? This seems like 100% the route togo, however I am scratching my head trying to figure out how to make this work within OMV.