Beiträge von wolf8auer

    User Blocked:

    I regularly used first-aid to "Reset failed login attempt counter".


    I found something in


    2020/11/19 15:46:57 [error] 1800#1800: *63 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning:  session_start(): open(/var/lib/php/sessions/sess_d960ui2irim3oialm4hr26mje5, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in /usr/share/php/openmediavault/ on line 43" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: openmediavault-webgui, request: "HEAD / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php-fpm-openmediavault-webgui.sock:", host: ""


    Code - - [19/Nov/2020:15:46:57 +0000] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "Monit/5.20.0"

    I still can't login to my web control panel.

    Here is a short video-capture of 2 login attempts with correct PW and a final one in contrast with an incorrect PW:


    (I did refresh my browser Cache and tried it with different browsers)

    Samba shares work fine.


    Points 2 - 10 all work and confirm everything is valid

    Point 11 "Submit diagnostic report to administrator" is attached.

    apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

    worked with no errors

    0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

    Suddenly, I cannot login to the Web Control Panel. (At the same time ssh is no problem.)

    Credentials are correct (I am using Lastpass to auto fill the form fields). To be sure I have double checked and tried it manually as well.

    The Login seems to work (no errors) but after a few seconds the Login screen is shown again. It is in a loop.

    FYI: When I intentionally use a wrong password I get the usual red error message

    What I've tried to fix it:



    3 Change control panel administrator password

    4 Reset failed login attampts


    apt-get update && apt-get upgrade


    sudo reboot

    No success ;(

    What I suspect caused it:

    The last time I was logged into the web panel I was using the "Update Manager".

    I think the "upgrade" did not work. Unfortunately I can't recall the details.

    After that the problem happened.

    When I do this via ssh I get the following:

    apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
    0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

    This might be a long shot but have you tried to remove all "Authorized Devices"? (Settings > Authorized Devices)

    When I used Plex via OMV Docker Image, I frequently had some Claim server issues. It seem to help to remove the browser from Authorized Devices. Then I had to login again from that browser. If I remember correctly that seemed to work a couple of times.

    First go to "Diensten (Services) > SMB/CIFS"
    Go to the tab "Shares"
    Delete the shared folder. (This will remove it from the SMB service.)

    Go to "Gedeelde mappen (Shared Folders)"
    Select your shared folder.
    Click on "Toegangsrechten (Privileges)" button.
    Uncheck all checkmarks.

    Look at the column "Verwijderen (Referenced)".
    It should "Nee (NO)"

    Now you should be able to delete the shared folder.

    I have my hard drives in a FANTEC QB-X8US3 8x3,5" SATA HDD USB3.0 eSATA.
    Connected via USB to a Rock64.
    On the FANTEC I have SYNC mode on so that when the Rock64 is off, the device goes to sleep mode. In sleep mode the fans are off.

    I don't mind running the Rock64 all the time, but I don't want the fans to run when I don't need the drives.

    I am looking for some options...
    What I tested:


    fans off?


    sudo poweroff the Rock64.


    starting the Rock64 when I need it takes some time
    unmount all drives
    sudo umount-l /dev/sda1
    stop samba
    [font='Consolas, Courier New, Courier, monospace']sudo servicesmbd stop[/font]


    standby (spindown) drives
    hdparm -Y /dev/sda1



    Topics I would be interested in are:

    • sleep mode on SBCs? with halt -> Could this low power mode trick the FANTEC into sleep mode
    • shut down the USB Interface (and switch it on when needed) (USB-port powering & CEC support)

    Hi Zwei.
    I was wondering if you have managed to make the plugin work.
    I could not make a vpn connection with my Phone via the OpenVPN App.

    What I've done so far:

    • Enabled OpenVPN plugin in OMV, local fixed IP

      • General Settings

        • Port 1194
        • Protocol UDP
        • Use compression ON
        • PAM authentification OFF
      • VPN network

        • Address
        • Mask
        • Gateway eth0
        • Default gateway ON
        • Client to Client OFF

    • Created a user certificate in the plugin and downloaded it.
    • Port forwarding on my router:

      • External Port 1194 to Local Port 1194 Protocol: UDP
    • Installed OpenVPN App on iPhone.
    • Copied the .ovpn file into the Documents folder of the app. (Via iTunes as recommended)

    I can see the profile in the app:
    OpenVPN Profile

    However when I try to connect the error occurs:
    There was an error attempting to connect to the selected server

    Schließe Monitor und Tastatur an deinen OMV Server an.

    Dadurch sah ich in meinem Fall die Meldung:
    [ 31.075696] FAT-fs Cmmcblk1p6): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.
    Give root password for maintainance
    (or press control-D to continue)

    Du kannst dich dann auch einloggen und dir /etc/fstab ansehen.
    Bei mir war ein Eintrag in fstab der Probleme machte. Allerdings hatte das mit UnionFS plugin zu tun...

    Connect to your OMV server via SSH or FTP.
    Since I don't like opening text files with CLI editors like nano, I use an FTP client (Transmit (OSX)) that can open text files with my preferred Editor(s) (Brackets, Sublime Text).

    Open the file /etc/openmediavault/config.xml.

    Look at/serach for the tags <mntent> and <sharedfolder>.

    It looks like this:

    Do you see anything there (shared folders or disks) that is not in the OMV Web UI?

    Open /etc/fstab.
    It looks like this:

    # >>> [openmediavault]
    /dev/disk/by-label/HD01 /srv/dev-disk-by-label-HD01 ext4 defaults,nofail,user_xattr,noexec,usrjquota=aquota.user,,jqfmt=vfsv0,acl 0 2
    /dev/disk/by-label/HD02 /srv/dev-disk-by-label-HD02 ext4
    # <<< [openmediavault]

    Do you see the removed disk? Or any disk that might look strange?

    the slow drive connected via SATA: