Beiträge von bezi93

    Hello, I recently bought a Rpi3b+ just to mess get a better feel of Linux and practice some projects. I wanted to use OMV to make my own NAS from an external hard drive. Now I am well aware that the RPI is not a good NAS, but this is for practice sake before I shell out a few hundred to build an actual NAS.

    My problem is I can’t even install the OMV OS. I tried everything, reformatted the SD card to exFat, MS-Dos Fat. The ISO won’t boot on my RPI 3B+. Then I thought it was an SD problem, so I reformatted again and put Noobs on it, and that was successfully installed on my PI. I followed the exact directions on the instructions (used Etch) etc. Nothing works to boot from ISO? Any suggestions? Should I try to install from command line in Rasbian lite?