I have a problem cloning a git repository from omv.
I have the last OMV and git server plugin versions installed. I activated the git plugin and created a new empty repository with "read/write" default privileges, and manually set read/write privileges for my user.
On my mac I've installed git and set with "git config --global" the same username and email of my user in OMV (don't know if this is necessary).
When I try to run the clone command it asks me for the password, I type the password of my user on omv but it doesn't work, also the root password of omv doesn't work.
MacBook-Air-di-Marco:Sites virgafox$ git clone virgafox@
Cloning into 'progetto'...
virgafox@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
virgafox@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
I'm quite new to git so I think that I'm missing something..