Beiträge von shivahoj

    First, Thank You for your swift answer!
    So, since you do not mention a guide, i assume, there is none?
    What i did already:
    I added a file smartd.conf to /usr/lib/collectd/collectd.conf.d/, with the following content:

    LoadPlugin smart
    <Plugin smart>
    UseSerial true

    When i restart collectd via /etc/init.d/collectd restart, it fails, and my logfile is filled with:

    I found a lot of already filled rrd files (like entropy, users, irq etc.) in the "datadir", /var/lib/collectd/rrd/$hostname.$myFQDN , how do i get them to be displayed , maybe under the Diagnostics-->System Information-->Performance Statistics panel, where all the other graphics reside?
    I cannot find where generation of these data is initiated, at least not in /etc/collectd/collectd.d/. What config files are responsible for this, and where do they live?
    How do i get the disk statistics graphics (the BTW: in my first post) to reappear?

    Hello, i have an OMV 4.1.16 / debian 9.7 running fine on an acer easystore H341 4-bay home server.
    I cannot add any plugins from the long list of available plugins in /usr/lib/collectd/.
    is there a working step by step guide in english, german, dutch or french, that i can follow for ping e.g.?

    Specifcally i am interested in apcupsd/nut, sensors, smartd, df, and other hardware/environment tracking.
    I have installed and used nagios and munin on other servers some time ago, but i think i am missing an important step.

    BTW: I did a rather large rsync of filesets between local folders(this coincidence is possibly unrelated), now the "disk usage" tab is empty, no disks to select, no graphs shown. reboot did not help.
    Any hints?
