Beiträge von joseash

    Thanks again mate, will try it tomorrow :)

    Test these settings:

    ip route add dev wlan0 (check device name!)
    ip route add default via
    ip route add (is it actually class c?) dev eth0 (check device name!)

    Those should work if I understood your network correctly.
    edit: ip route flush before. Those changes are not permanent, so you can set them without any fear.

    Thanks for the reply, I'll give it a Try

    Here is the settings for the networks:
    wlan0 = IP:, Subnet:, Gateway: = Network 1 (SSID: EXT)
    eth0 = IP:, Subnet:, Gateway: = Network 2 (SSID: LOCAL)

    So the settings above still applies as the same?

    Thanks in advance mate

    You want to add the adress of your internet router as default gateway rather than just deleting the other one. You can try temporarily with
    ip route add default via <internetRouterAddress> and make it permanent in the gui (you can also edit files in /etc/network/interfaces, but this might interfere with gui settings and can be hard to resolv if you dont know the stuff)
    Is the complete local network in the same adress room as your ethernet device? If not, you must manually add those to be routed via your ethernet adapter too.
    edit: I did assume, that wifi and ethernet are in differnent ip rooms, otherwise you need to be even more specific and add the local network at your ethernet even if they are all in the same adress room.

    For starting both network has the same gateway and subnet :3 while being 2 seperate networks.
    What do you mean same address room?
    IP for Wifi is static on DHCP & Manually = (Network 2)
    IP for Ethernet statis DHCP & Manually = (Network 1)

    Hello everyone,

    I've having issues setting up networking on OMV 4.1.3
    Here is the problem I have:
    I need to use Wifi for Internet Access ONLY
    and Ethernet for Local Access ONLY.
    I tried removing the default gateway for Ethernet, but OMV lost internet despite having connected to the wifi
    As I have to network at my place, and I need to seperate it as Network 1 = Ethernet is capped. Network 2 = Wifi is unlimited and way faster

    Hope someone could guide me around on how to fix this issue. Thanks in advance