Beiträge von steel2400

    hi guys,

    i have a problem with my raid 5 setup i cant geet it to mount this is wat i get

    Fout #6000:
    exception 'OMVException' with message 'Failed to mount 'b4e2acb1-505f-42eb-90e3-5cb04c6e0dff': mount: no such partition found' in /usr/share/openmediavault/engined/rpc/
    Stack trace:
    #0 [internal function]: OMVRpcServiceFileSystemMgmt->mount(Array, Array)
    #1 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #2 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/ OMVRpcServiceAbstract->callMethod('mount', Array, Array)
    #3 /usr/sbin/omv-engined(501): OMVRpc::exec('FileSystemMgmt', 'mount', Array, Array, 1)
    #4 {main}]

    i dont want to lose my data on it, Is it possible to remount it with out the loss
    thanks in advance fore the help guys.

    greats steel

    Hi crisman

    extending Raid 5 with a disk is not recommended you can have data corruption or even worse data loss.
    the best way is to build a new raid and than migrate the data on the existing raid.

    greats steel

    not that i know of. It is possible to use nginx and apache at the same time so i am going to test this with OMV in a virtual environment .
    is it not possible to ad apache to the mix Solo0815 ? just wandering

    Hi raptor

    your system looks good and is very capable to host OMV


    I repeat, I've no problem when I log myself to the GUI in local, so if it would be a power CPU issue, I should have the same slowness isn't it ?

    yes you would have more problems with the use of your nas if that was the case.

    fore comparing apache and nginx you can look at this youtube channel


    to see this go to 30 min


    PS : If you want, I've a Raspi, I can try to install OMV for Raspi and test if the problem is the same or not.

    testing is always good to see that watt you think is true or not ;)

    greats steel


    First off I would like to apologize this statement is not correct do to testing it.


    nginx is more powerful than apache it will therefore tax the cpu more than wat apache will ever do

    Yes it is more powerful but is will not tax the cpu more just less.

    nginx is capable to serve up to 10.000 static sites in one instance it still is having problems with translating php.
    Apache is less powerful then nginx but can handle more modules out of the box than nginx this can look like it is stressing the cpu more but it is not so. nginx can have problems with the modules
    so the waiting time can be longer.

    greats steel

    mm that is not watt i tested i used a 2 core processor and a 4 core with testing both apache and nginx and got some very conflicting results it can be that this is due to more parameters on raptors build that is way i ask't him about the rest of the system.
    the interest with me is way this is happening on is nginx OS but not apache.
    i am still in the phase of testing my self and i dont have a raspberry to test it on. I can test it on an old i3 from intell tho.

    Hi raptor


    I'm very surprised because when I've tried to install a pae kernel, I realized my OMV was a 64bits Debian (the habit certainly ^^) and my CPU is not normally capable to run 64 Bits OS Could it be the problem (knowing I've no issue in local) ??

    This can be an issue but normally not if the processor is not able to run the 64 bit you will not get the OS installed on it so.
    But yes there is a but, nginx is more powerful than apache it will therefore tax the cpu more than wat apache will ever do this is do to the layout of the old cpu and cant be help't.

    Do you have problems with read an writ to the system. And can you tel me the mb/s on that ?
    Also watt kind of memory do you have in it. this is fore testing so i can see your problem.

    greats steel


    I did a test with those things a wile back and i could not get it to install the OS on it without an update to the bios but that was not OMV 1.0 tho.
    fore the rest will it work fine. I wold think about getting a 16 gig tho its not a lot more expansive than that 8 gig and you will have more room fore plugins

    greats steel

    hi raptor.


    So it's pretty faster (by using H+ to connect to my OMV VM in HTTPS) than to connect to my prod server, maybe you're right steel2400 --> my CPU is the cause. I will try to install a kernel which uses PAE and i686 instructions to see if there is a difference.

    Well you can try that it will make a bit of difference


    However, I will try with a VM of OMV 1.0.21 on my PC (i7 4770) to see if it's faster than my actual server with that old CPU. I will come back here to show you results.

    this will be a lot faster i tried it out on my virtual box to (just to test out the cpu)

    I am going to built my rig using a AMD A8-5600k 4 core processor that build is in the works my old one is using an AMD to but a 2 core AMD athlon +2 4400 its just not powerful enough.


    I had the same problem i did test the lan connection and got speeds up to 80 to 90 mbs but the nic i had in the nas was not good so i got 2 more nic's from intell and and pared them up
    now a have no more problems with file transfer.

    When you look at an ssd try to get one with an Marvell or SandForce controller its the best option fore Linux and is also supported under Debian.

    The ssd are:

    Crucial (Marvell)
    adata (SandForce)
    ocz (self dev.controller) is very good tho

    Ale these you can get in 32 GB and a round 40 to 50 US dollar.